4 reviews liked by dedexter

I remember this game being REALLY GOOD and that you could even insert individual Sims into the city and hear their daily musings on the price of ketchup. Plus, there was such genuine reward in finally balancing out your income vs expenses.

É bizarro que esse jogo foi feito pelo mesmo estúdio que fez Baldur's Gate 3, pq isso aqui é simplesmente uma BOSTA.

História chata, diálogos desinteressantes, combate HORROROSO e várias mecânicas de RNG pra travar sua progressão.

Explorar o mundo é tedioso, tudo no jogo é burocrático e chato, o combate é inteiro baseado em nível pra te fazer perder ainda mais tempo com farm idiota.

Esse jogo é desinteressante no nível de me fazer passar mais tempo mexendo no celular com ele aberto do que jogando ele

I have two very differing opinions of MHW,

Firstly, I played through it at launch because new MH with friends, but I absolutely hated the multiplayer scaling when it came to part breakability, the increased stun values, also really fucking hated how decorations were now randomised as opposed to talismans. Decorations are the cornerstones that make armour sets work and talismans are a bonus. It should have never have been implemented the way it was. Still had fun though.

Now my second take, as I write this the #ReturnToWorld movement is currently happening, six years after it's inital release and because of the absolute insane mouth watering state the teaser for Wilds got me in, I started a fresh file in early december 2023 with the sole purpose of playing through the entire game single player. It was and has been so fucking good oh my lord, I'm so glad for my current run but a little bit sad as well because MH should be enjoyed to it's fullest with other hunters. I really hope Wilds is a little bit better on the balancing front but even if it isn't, well am just a slave to Ryozo so it doesn't really matter.

Rebirth did something so good that it finally cracked my inablity to see this game through to completion. I gotta preface that I played the Steam version with an absolute shit load of mods via the Seventh Heaven mod manager and it was honestly an all timer experience because of it. Happy to have seen it through and now I just wait for part three.