i think it’s a solid game i’m just sick of people hyping it up as the Second Coming of Jesus Christ Himself™️ that was deliberately sabotaged by the Illuminati, when it’s really just a decent shooter that had a terrible launch

it’s like people feel bad for ignoring it so they’re trying to make it up to the game by hyping it up at every waking moment

good update on all fronts
keep doing them like this i beg

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middling launch but it was pretty bug-free and the post launch support was the best yet

good content but the really unpolished launch kinda stunk

the first actually decent update

the hype was fun but Man what a wack release

really fun with friends and randoms though has a steep learning curve and a way steeper price point than i'd like it to have

cute idea but it gets real old real quick

idk how you can really give a score to this game but i think i’ve grown past it by now

kinda just bores me whenever i try to play it

pretty good but hard to replay and kinda empty once the main story is completed

i dont care if i need a wiki to play this game it still fucks ‼️