A really good Castlevania game that is completly different from the originals. That´s not a bad thing though, you´re just old.

A really good sequel, improving all the good things thad made his prequel a really good game. The stealth is horrible though, i don´t know what the hell were the designers thinking.

Blasphemous is a really good game, a good metroidvania/Souls. That said, i really hate games where you can´t unlock the good ending without a guide.


A really good adaptation of "Dagon" the short story written by the magnificent H.P Lovecraft. It´s free, go and play it!

A pretty decent game if you´re looking for some Lovecraft videogame. The Atmosphere is really well done and it´s completly worth considering how cheap the game is by today.

Yakuza 0 is a wonderfull game with an incredible plot, amazing characters and fascinating gameplay. It doesn´t matter if your english isn´t the best, go and play this.


Soma is probably one of the better horror games that i´ve played in my whole life. Amazing story, good horror and existencial questions. A must.

You will never experience something like the first Resident Evil. Even with the videogame standars of 2021 this game is an absolute masterpiece in terms of leveling. You have to play this even if the first time you´re no totally convinced.

A perfect game. That´s all. Capcom is in his new Golden Age.

Well, Resident Evil 3 was a minor game even in the original release, so this is actually the same but with new graphics. Don´t get me wrong, is worthy, but 20 euros tops.

The game that changed the direction of Resident Evill till Resident Evil 7. Really good gameplay, long and a lot of different scenaries.

Im sorry but i really love this game. I have played it with a friend a couple of times and i make a lot of fun. Yes, Chris breaks a fukin giant rock with his barehands, so what?

Another of my guilty pleasures. I cant help with enjoying this game, i love it so much. Full action, a lot of characters, 4 different stories...

A fucking masterpiece that set the new course of the RE franchise. The Baker´s house is amazing and the change to first person is a really good point.

Almost as good as Resident Evil 7, but more similar to Resident Evil 4. Really fun.