Surprisingly enjoyed this more than I expected (or, rather, more than I enjoyed Brotherhood). Main story has plenty of cinematic moments (a bit generic, but enjoyable), and the story was engaging, especially towards the end when the two storylines collide. A mature and epic ending that I didn't see coming.

One of the villagers is a musician and their song is basically a SOPHIE track. 8/10

Please stop making subpar Inside-likes so I can stop playing them.

What a surprise! I found this through Game Pass and had a vague recollection of it getting some praise a couple of years ago. It’s totally warranted. An expansive exercise in world building, an emotional and intimate story through place and time, a basic but enjoyable puzzle platformer/resource management sim/visual novel that’s always more than the sum of its parts.

Coming straight from Mediterranea Inferno, this was a bit disappointing but overall I’d still recommend it. The atmosphere, the way it presents a whole world with very little, the way the sex scenes are presented and written… Those are all very good or excellent. What didn’t completely gel for me was the branching narrative and the different endings — two things that I loved in the dev’s following work.

I've never played a Spiderweb game before, so it benefits from experiencing for the first time many of the things I assume make up the Jeff Vogel formula. It has impeccable writing, an astonishing sense of place and ambience, and a very rewarding gameplay loop. And it does all that with no music, very simple sound effects, and very few unique pieces of textures and art. It does fall apart in the last third of the game, though. There are a few areas that don't bring anything new in terms of story or quest design, or that they're just plain annoying (environment attacking you, constant creatures spawning, etc.). All in all, I think it's worth experiencing until the end because of the multiple possibilities the game offers.