530 Reviews liked by dleo

A few screens into this you come across a hole in the floor. You drop through it by pressing down on the d-pad, and then the right shoulder button very slightly afterwards, not at the same time, slightly afterwards. It was only by overexposure to the AVGN's video on Batman games did I already know how to do this, otherwise I would fumble about with the controller until I would eventually get Brian Smyj to drop down, whom is playing the part of Val Kilmer, who plays the part of Batman who daylights as "Bruce Wayne". If you had played this back in 1995, you would probably have to consult the instruction manual that came with your copy of Batman Forever on Super Nintendo, assuming your parent didn't carelessly throw it out along with the box. The manual actually does detail your moves and how to pull them off adequately, it doesn't make it any less clunky or unintuitive, but it exists. However, this hidden move where you get Brian Smyj to drop through this conspicuous orifice is actually completely unmentioned in the manual, and I even made sure that it wasn't hidden in the warranty or in some character's profile. So in a pre-James Rolfe/GameFAQs era, you're pretty much guaranteed to be lumbering around trying to find out how you're supposed to get down in order to make progress.

That was the SNES game, I would like to talk about the Genesis/MD version now.

The AVGN did not do this version of the game, and there is only one guide on GameFAQs that specifically talks about this version, and it also fails to mention how to do this secret move that is needed very early to make progress. When I got to this part, I attempted to do a combination similar to the SNES version with pretty much every button on my six button controller, including the shoulders on my Retrobit pad despite them essentially just acting like extra C and Z buttons when plugged into an actual Genesis console. For the first time in what seemed like years, I felt obligated to bust out my phone and look up something that didn't have to do with cheat codes or passwords. Keep in mind once again that the manual fails to mention how to do this move, because it's easily the biggest riddle you'll need to solve in Batman Forever for the Sega Genesis/MD. It turns out that you have to HOLD C, and then press down on the d-pad. A very different input from the SNES version, and one that I find hard for anyone to figure out on their own back in 1995 without wasting an hour of boredom on it. Was this incompetence or nefarious design to get kids to waste money calling Acclaim's help hotline? Who knows, maybe Jim Carrey was running the company.

I went two paragraphs talking about the world's greatest detective getting utterly bamboozled by a hole in the floor, but that's honestly the biggest thing I can talk about other than this possibly being the most 1995 game that could ever exist, because you're not gonna find another time in human history where a Batman movie license tie-in is bone grafted with Mortal Kombat moves and inputs. It might be the biggest sellout game to ever exist, combining two of the most overpushed things at the time, all while not being able to have blood, because McDonalds would possibly withdraw on their agreement to sell Batman Forever licensed glassware mugs.

I briefly booted this up for a Geoff Follin tribute stream with some friends of mine for shits and giggles, before I closed it and went to Wolverine on NES. My weekend was full of morbid curiosity of a potential funny-bad game, only to be met with mindlessly boring gameplay where you smack wet noodles with enemies, carelessly shoot your bat dick out at the ceiling to try to find hidden rooms, and jump around trying to see if you can hit any background objects to make explode and drop health items. A hard game that is only hard, because it's an endurance round of buffoonery with no continues or passwords. The NyQuil-laced bank stage ending with a fight against waves of henchmen on top of a small platform where they could easily throw you off to your doom was the final nail in the bat coffin for me, despite me actually clearing that stage and stepping foot into a circus that had the gonads to force a time limit on me. The most fun you would get out of this is dragging a friend along in co-op, and gaslighting them on how easy the controls are and never explaining them, which is something you can already do in Cyborg Justice, an infinitely superior experience. Fuck Goof Troop man, it's all about ruining friendships with Batman Forever.

I would end this with the Nerd's closing line on his review of the game, but I've been beaten to that at least twice on this page, so I'm gonna use a little bit of one from another review he did of a game I actually kinda like.

It sucking fucks, it fucking sucks, it fucking blows, it's a piece of shit....and I don't like it.

Please tell me why so many game devs played dark souls and had their main takeaway be "yeah you know the one bullshit ass mechanic where if you die you lose all your fuckin currency but you can run back to where you died to get it all back? Yeah add that one to all of our games."

Absolutely phenomenal puzzle game that feels more like an adventure/Zelda-like because of upgrades and how it unlocks different islands/rooms as you go. As someone who typically does not enjoy puzzle games, it went out of its way to make me feel extra clever when I completed a challenge, and it was a joy to explore and find new goodies around the world. Huge recommend!

Um clássico da minha infância, pena q é uma merda completa

Chapolim matou o Dracula sem usar o Vampire Killer, brabo demais não tem jeito


Easily the biggest inspiration for all modern games. The blueprint, if you will.

If you ever want to trauma bond with folks about a final boss — this is the game for you.

Não da pra explicar a experiência que é jogar esse jogo, você se sente utilizando um alucinógeno pesado.

Psicodélico, comédia boa, trilha sonora é uma delícia, combate satisfatório mesmo que tenha me dado raiva em alguns momentos e eu amei os personagens.

Jogo maravilhoso recomendo para todos.

Envoûtant, Atypique, Réjouissant, Touchant, Hilarant, Bouleversant, Onirique, Unique, Nostalgique, Déconcertant

I don't know how on earth a game about as mechanically complex as the first Final Fantasy was such a ride.

The only phrase I think I have to describe it is Je ne sais quoi.
There's something Itoi does that just feels so... different, even now with Undertale and all the games that take after Earthbound. It has a personality of its own, from start to horrifying finish.

Is it easy? Sure?
Is it short? Yes
Is it PEACHY? Fuck yeah it is.

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Just started, but it's easily the best way to experience this game. Get it while it's not in in Nintendo's crosshair.

So I don't think I like Super Mario Sunshine all too much. The things the game makes you do are simply just not very fun. The movement, however, is great, so searching for red coins is some of the most fun I can have with it.

Blue coins were also fun, but no way in hell I'm getting all of them. I got around 60-70% and that's enough. At least I know it led to improvement with Mario Odyssey not requiring all moons.

Really good moveset redesign. Samus now has her sliding dash, Melee counter, way more missiles, aiming for her laser, phase shifting, and more. This is genuinely how I think Samus should play in the next Smash game. It represents her perfectly.

Very nice of Nintendo to make the definitive edition of SMB3 only a few years after its original release.

Oh yeah, there's three other games here too I guess.