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12 days ago

doerrhb finished Doom Eternal
A nearly flawless first person shooter. The parkour elements were a cool addition and were very challenging. They also served as an interesting break from the mayhem, and could almost seem like puzzle elements when you weren't exactly sure how to proceed. I loved the feeling of being an unstoppable bad ass, and the glory kills and environments looked amazing. It was also really neat how they updated the original Doom graphic elements, everything you remember from Doom I and II are in here. Fantastic work by the art department. My only negatives would be the final two boss fights felt a little cheap, and I think they recognized that with the sentinel armor option. I also felt like they could have been a little more obvious with map elements in certain areas, a few times I was going in circles trying to find the next place to go. Small complaints in what was a fantastic game overall. Now go kill some demons, slayer!

12 days ago

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