It's a game with A Vision. An Idea. Another one of those rare games to have one.

Pretty cool game. Unfortunately some people copy it wholesale and then just say they were "inspired" by this game or something. Maybe that's a sign of its power.. Clunky to play nowadays but the feeling is still very much there.

I don't know if this game is even particularly funny. That means it kind of failed at its goal. But it's undeniably a work from someone that had an idea. It's a great little piece of what a guy can do. It feels very custom and human made to me.

It's a game with something real. I'll probably rank it higher once I play more.

Best arcadey WW2 shooter ever. If I spawn camped you on Crete from the second story building with a rocket I'm sorry.

What can u even say. I think any legitimate writing on this game probably comes off cringe. I'll just say that this thing doesn't end up working. It's a black hole with really cool art. I think I might even actually like it a bit. It's complicated

Blew my mind when I was a kid. Don't care about any analysis, definitely do not read or watch any of those things about the game. It was pretty cool and I like Levine still.

Perfect at its mission. Hope these bros make a lot more stuff

Circa 2017 and before or something. No clue what it's like now. Notch and C418 captured actual magic.

I like using the camera and placing things and such but unfortunately the BAFTA-enjoyer people got ahold of this guy's tech demo and enacted their twisted evils on it. Ode to 2020s Cozy Safe Comfy Wholesome Indie Vibes, ode to petting dogs, ode to lowercase Twitter memeing, ode to lots of woman voiceover, ode to video games! Huzzah!