I got bored after about 2 hours and uninstalled because I knew I wasn't going to play it again. It's so repetitive, the combat doesn't have the depth I would require in a game like this to keep it interesting, and the story is so predictable and meh (like comic book movies). I haven't played past the rally but I bet his maybe-gf is The Tinkerer and his uncle is Prowler (everyone knows this though).

It was just a real slog and in every combat encounter I was mashing square, waiting for it to be over so I could swing to another location to do the same thing to some generic baddies. Assassin's Creed for Marvel Fans. Not a compliment.

One of my favorites of all time 😙👌

Looked gorgeous, love the weapons, but repetitive in its enemies and they didn't require any strategizing. I wanted to have to think what weapons work best for which enemies but the enemies weren't hard enough and the difficulty was too easy. I beat it first go around on the hardest difficulty. The story was also lacking any sort of stakes or emotion. It felt like it was made for kids and only kids.