Had a lot of fun with this one! I'd get stuck a couple times and admittedely had to look at a walkthrough, but over the course of the game I got better at puzzling through the dungeons.
The visuals are most of the reason I picked up this game - everything's so cute and charming! It looks so good!!

Also, this was the first game I got for my Switch :)

Unfortunately can't finish this game because I can't stomach horror elements, especially jumpscares :(

Dropped it because it's hard and I hate the Reaper. Very good game, just not for me.

Lovely game. I'm a sucker for games where your character can fly and the flight mechanics feel soooo good in this game. Need to replay this sometime.

Playing this on Switch is hell. Constantly crashes. I've softlocked myself a couple times and had to load an earlier save a couple times to get past the area I got softlocked in. I'll maybe try to power through the rest of this game on Switch or just get it on Steam/PS Vita

A disappointing experience, as someone who's played Katamari Damacy and We Love Katamari. I mean, yeah, I suppose it's still a Katamari game, but it just feels like... something is missing.
I do like the jump and squash and stretch mechanics, but I feel like they make the game a little too easy to control (with Katamari, I think learning to control the katamari efficiently, despite how hard it is initially, is part of the fun).
The levels are fine enough, understandably they couldn't be really big, since this is a handheld.
What really irks me and keeps me from fully enjoying this game is how strict the time limits are. In the original and We Love Katamari, you had plenty of time to familiarize yourself with the stages and still be able to get a good score. Here, even if you try your hardest to optimize your route and stuff, you won't get more than 70/100 points. Oh, also, this game has an actual scoring/rating system, instead of the King just saying what he thinks about how you did. I don't like that.
The levels are also very repetetive. Very little variety in level goals.
As for the presentation, yeah it's totally weird and uncanny, but honestly I'm all for it. Katamari games always have that kind of wacky vibe, and here it's turned up even more. But the other games in the series that I've played do it better in my opinion.

If you just want some Katamari action on your Vita, this is fine, I suppose, but I think you're better off just playing earlier entries in the series. (Keep in mind, I've only played Damacy and We Love Katamari apart from this one)