Minecraft 2011

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

7 days

Last played

March 21, 2024

First played

May 3, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Minecraft is one of the most influential games in recent history and certainly one of, if not, the most popular game ever. The entire world is available to you to do whatever you want in and there are always infinite ways to do it.

I've grown up with Minecraft in a way, and because of that, I only really play it anymore for nostalgia and multiplayer. I've done everything I wanted to in singleplayer already and it's just more fun when playing with friends. That's why it can fee like a hassle and chore to start up a new single player world.

That being said, this game is amazing. The things people can do and have done in this game are just breathtaking to see. The music is absolutely beautiful and has enough nostalgic value to make me tear up if I hear it. I also really like playing with friends on minigame servers since they offer a nice change of pace compared to the normal game.

Mods are really fun to use since they can range from simple quality of life upgrades to adding new items and creatures to changing the entire game itself. It's also always a joy to download and play on user-made maps, whether they be adventure maps, survival maps, minigame maps, or anything else. I prefer this Java version of using user-made content over the marketplace on Bedrock, but that's just my opinion.

Everyone who has ever played a game ever has likely played or at least watched some play this game, which is good and bad. It's good because everyone knows how the game works and how to play it. It's bad because if someone wants to start playing this game and hasn't played it before, there is very little to nonexistent help or a tutorial to get started. Granted, there is the internet, but that can reduce the fun of figuring it out yourself. I would say that is my only real criticism of this game, but it's pretty minute in value.

Mojang is pumping out constant updates to add more content, which can also be good and bad. It's good because it shows that the game is still very much alive and the developers have no plans to stop development anytime soon. It's bad because if you are like me and everyone else who has ever played this game, you have taken several long breaks from this game since it can get boring and repetitive at times, but when you come back to it, you need to learn what everything is that got added while you were gone and learn how it works, which can be annoying.

Overall, this is one of the greatest games in history and everyone who plays games should at least be familiar with this game, if not own it.