So bad it’s good. I’m sympathetic to these kinds of games

The concept is great but the developers could have at least tried to make the game enjoyable

Goated game - loved it so much

Not as good as the 2006 version but I still liked it

Haven’t played in years, but I remember really enjoying the game

Story’s good, gameplay’s dull. Not playing 5-7 until I finish this one, if I ever do

I got Fifa 11 specifically for my DS and I loved it. I’m not interested in the rest of the series because I have Fifa 11 and, realistically, if I have one then I don’t need the rest

The potential was there. That’s what disappointed me the most. A TellTale Minecraft game was a great idea, but the execution was so abysmal. Episodes 1-4 were ok, but 5, 7 and especially 8 were so fucking horrible that it ruins any enjoyment I had out of the first couple of episodes. Just get the game for Episode 6 - that one is a stand out and redeems the whole game. Season 2 is even worse.

Used to be amazing, but is just boring now

Why tf are the ratings so low? Not only is Five Nights at Freddy’s great, but it kickstarted one of the most iconic franchises in modern gaming. The original is peak gaming imo - the claustrophobic environment is tense and iconic and the animatronics are scary in their own way