Log Status






Time Played

1h 31m

Days in Journal

3 days

Last played

July 8, 2023

First played

July 2, 2023

Library Ownership


i remember mario being one of the first games I ever played on game boy, i don't know if it was this one or another because i never got past the first level so i can't quite recall anything about it. playing this now was quite fun. some of the levels are goofy, with easter island men running at the speed of light and some chinese ninjas levels? not what i expected from a mario game. it's not particularly difficult but playing with such a small and imprecise controller on my GBA made me die a few times, and man i do not miss the days of start from the beginning if you run out of lives. i got to the last level and died just before i got to the boss fight. after watching it on youtube i really don't think i'm missing out on much by leaving this one uncompleted, so fuck my need for closure.