biology class was pocket morty's, psychology was mario kart tour


call it unnecessary or untasteful all you want, but my god I did not expect the ending. twists like that FUEL ME.

I loved staying up past 11pm trying to hide my DS under my pillow only to get jumpscared on the beach by a tarantula and instantly turned the game off. And that wasn't the scariest part, it was knowing I then have to listen to that mole.

every dollar earned is a thought suppressed


so lemme get this straight: you replaced one letter in the word poo and you expect me to not be DISGUSTED? we are doomed as a species, and this is proof

my memory of playing this game as a kid is like those mobile game ads where it looks really easy but the person playing seems to be post-lobotomy

the gameplay was incredibly mid but has some really charming characters and setting. wapo wapo

this game oozes with charm and then shoots it out a cannon, shame it's become so rare and expensive

this is a kid's game and completely undeserving of being rated by my adult self. my memories of playing this game lie at the back of my mind. i'd sit on my parents pc running windows xp, tucked underneath our staircase. 4 year old me gives this game 5 stars, thank you for the core memories. truly one of the games of all time.

Advertised as "Enhanced and remastered" when it is just a recoloring of the game in monochrome. Is nice stylisticly but not something worth charging for.

was supposed to catch dinkelman in the first level but i was terrified and always tried to run away

Not a huge puzzle game person but the combination of this game's humour, story and speedrunning potential made it thoroughly enjoyable. Quite short, but not every game needs to be 200 hours of filler content.