guitar hero as a franchise is amazing, 5 stars. this one 4.5 because the songs are all covers, which couldn't really be helped when it was the first game.

Not a huge puzzle game person but the combination of this game's humour, story and speedrunning potential made it thoroughly enjoyable. Quite short, but not every game needs to be 200 hours of filler content.

this game has basically no story yet everything about it is the purest form of escapism

if you're the type of guy who would turn into the stupid FLOATING BALL THING whenever you're losing a 1v1 in forge, then we are the same. i'm a lil bitch.

"it’s not Minecraft until that music starts fading in, and I’m pulled back into a world when nothing really mattered, when everything was easy, and when, well, I was happy."

only thing that steps this version up from the console ones is being able to make an automated cheese factory powered by a fusion reactor and fairy magic

call me buzz lightyear the way I left the planet the first time I encountered a reaper leviathan

no idea what the game was about but i could eat the atmosphere 3 times a day 7 days a week

i love genre subversion i love genre subversion i love genre subversion i love genre subversion i love genre subversion i love genre subversion i love genre subversion i love genre subversion

was 10x more entertaining than biology class so can't fault it

i remember it being quite endearing, although i never played the original spore

if i had a time machine i'd go back to 2008 and tell myself the camera works a lot better if you don't stand infront of the window

the real winner was whoever made it to the top of the volcano on sandy bay and jumped in first