Assassin's Creed RANKED (by Didax)

My rankings of the Assassin's Creed franchise with notes and full reviews included in my profile.

Here is my list on the Comics and Novels RANKED =
And here is my list for the Movies RANKED =

1/5 = Disappointing and a pointless experience. Didn't live up to it's setting and story potential.
1.5/5 = VERY ugly and VERY mediocre
2/5 = Boring, repetitive and soulless.
2.5/5 = Buggy as hell, should have been AC1 DLC instead of a PSP game. Great story however!
3 / 5 = Mediocre but the ending is FANTASTIC.
3.5/5 = Loved it even though it wasn't perfect
3.5/5 - Short and fun platformer with great stealth mechanics and good story. Great sequel to Embers!
3.5/5 = Buggy and has an overwhelming amount of content but it's the most ambitious title since AC2.
4/5 = Almost as good as II.


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