its been years since i watched a whole playthrough of this game so i cant rate it but the name ESPELLA CANTABELLA is burnt into my mind forever. i remember when this was first announced i was going insane i watched the trailers like thousands of times. i need to replay it

i bought this as a joke waaay back and i only recently just played it now and... well its not ultrakill

i played it while it was jpn only its a good game and i really like the song selection but could do without the racism though

rated higher than projsekai purely bc i love the characters in this way more. would love to play it again but my phone literally has no space left

i remember when i played this the lives system pissed me off. its fine for what it is

this was also one of the first games ive ever played. i was 4 years old and didnt get it. i really did try but i couldnt comprehend puyo puyo


i hate this game and think the monetary options and how much its shoved down your throat is stupid but at the same time i didnt mind it bc they give u enough free plays to where it doesnt seem that bad. im glad we can cut out this middle man nowadays

yeah im.. still stuck on incident 12...

love how everyone agrees that polly is the best choice btw

i wish i liked it more its just the datables are significantly less compelling for me personally

this is easily the best game in the series so far its not even close. also we are so fucking close to the dream just LET ME date oz

i was going to play this game and then i looked up how old the characters were and oh my fucking god?

for it being a free april fools joke game its pretty damn good