i like the weird ahh aspect ratio tbh

i like character creators and the sims is arguably the most famous one there is so. will say though once it gets to actual gameplay, the game drops for me. the job system is so boring. and the game takes up way too much space for me to comfortably keep designing new people

its a good game i just think its super boring. the one thing i liked about animal crossing was customising my character and i cant even do that here. there is still fishing though

i hate danganronpa but this game gave me hajime hinata though... easily the best out of the three storywise

i played the one on the switch i assume its this one? i mean its a nice timewaster but i dont really care for it much. the novelty wore off quick for me

its mario kart what is there to say about it. im just glad i can play as king boo

and i said THANK YOU PROJECT MOON for giving me HOKMA!

shoutout to roland library of ruina for being my favourite character of all fucking time

actively begging people to at least watch all the cutscenes of the previous games and then read leviathan. i know its not fully officially translated but that shit changes how you see vergilius and charon so hard

goated theres nothing else that does it like tomodachi life

this was the first game i ever played on my 3ds so im obviously fond of it and the soundtrack especially, i think this game really endeared me to miis in general. but also why is there a time limit on the free flight mode. why would you ever do this?

i like the miis... theyre silly little guys. i love the new outing tickets too even if they make the jolly jaunt ones from the roulette obsolete by comparison. there is also horse

i wanted nintendo land when i got the wii u and was gifted this instead. its not a bad game though.. i remember i got stuck at the truck driving part and gave up

i wanted to play it but it kept crashing whenever i did so i had to watch a lets player and he was so annoying but the game is so so good. i love the story. the artstyle is PEAK

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i still cant believe this is real. im only gonna talk about the story bc i havent played this game and have like 0 interest in doing so ngl

u can tell they got ian flynn to write this one. u really can. i like the story alot bc with how sonic stories go, i NEVER thought we'd get something like this. we are talking abt chaos now? we are expanding upon the lore? and ohh my god the character interactions i love them. i love how amy isnt painfully annoying and is actually very sweet, i love sonic & knuckles fruity ass bromance, i love tails wanting to work on himself more. i like eggmans arc in this game too like no one was expecting the mainline games to ever do something like this..???

but its extremely obvious that the end of the game was rushed and you can feel that in the story too, sonic didnt even stay 'dead' for longer than like 30 seconds. not even one cutscene with him like that before hes already fixed and fine. and its a major let down too bc throughout the entire game you can see how much hes been affected to the point where his idle animation changes in the third area. its extremely disappointing but i cant say im surprised

and this is a more minor thing but i dont like how you can fish for all of eggmans notes immediately bc some of them spoil what happens in the story if you arent far enough. i watched charriii play and luckily someone in the chat told him when he should stop reading them but idk it feels like an oversight to not have them locked behind completing areas or something

and of course it wouldnt be written by flynn if the game didnt feature some references that felt forced, but theyre only like one or two lines

idk but this release is promising. if they actually expand on this formula and dont immediately go back to do something else like they always have, then i think theres something to look forward to. but thats all it is. a promise