and i said THANK YOU PROJECT MOON for giving me HOKMA!

its mario kart what is there to say about it. im just glad i can play as king boo

i played the one on the switch i assume its this one? i mean its a nice timewaster but i dont really care for it much. the novelty wore off quick for me

i hate danganronpa but this game gave me hajime hinata though... easily the best out of the three storywise

its a good game i just think its super boring. the one thing i liked about animal crossing was customising my character and i cant even do that here. there is still fishing though

i like character creators and the sims is arguably the most famous one there is so. will say though once it gets to actual gameplay, the game drops for me. the job system is so boring. and the game takes up way too much space for me to comfortably keep designing new people

i like the weird ahh aspect ratio tbh

i still have this on my phone technically bc of kaerutomo. looking back on it this game was really... nothing. but i love miis so

i only had a 3ds back then and idk why i was expecting it to be the same as the other releases. i dont remember anything about this other than browsing the galleries very fondly, i would listen to vela-nova until my batteries drained

if im waiting for something and im on my phone theres a 70% chance im playing this

this was the first game i ever played and i never got past the first area because i was 4 and stupid. im sure its very good though. it has knuckles in it how can it not be

do do do do do do do do do subscribe.... (head in my hands)


as someone who loves lore im a big fan of arknights. i love lee and jaye so much. i just wish i had the brainpower to actually play it most of the time