11 reviews liked by elenels

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Update: I don't think I will continue play it

having now finished this game, i can safely say it is the dumbest piece of shit i have ever played masquerading as an extremely deep game. in spite of all the gameplay improvements and somniums actually being somewhat good compared to the predecessor, this game totally fucked me off from the plot after incredibly dumb plot twist after incredibly dumb plot twist. characters in this game all behave in the most nonsensical and idiotic ways possible, and so many of the "reveals" are things that should and would have come up in natural conversations. i absolutely abhor the "you didn't ask" excuse for big reveals. the only positive i can say about the story is that i went apeshit on social media multiple times from seeing the depths of depravity that game's writing goes. have i mentioned that two separate 20+ year old men in this game fall in love with high school girls and the game treats this as normal and acceptable? truly insipid and vile shit here, it must be said. i would rank some of the plot twists here as worse than the Big Reveal in ZTD because at least that game was mercifully short.

uchikoshi, you are a hack who thinks men being sex pests and pedophiles is endearing. please stop trying to outdo ever17. you never will.

edit: to everyone getting mad at the internet stranger who dislikes a game that they (presumably) like, i recommend streaming "platonic planet" by KOTO. good stuff there it will likely help you calm down.

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Whereas I felt the first game was a good mystery that nonetheless found its greatest strength in the cast, this feels like a game that basically sacrifices everything for The Twist.

Now, I'm torn over the Twist. I think it's incredibly gutsy and impressive technically, and no matter how mad I am I have to admit Uchikoshi has got me beat fair and square.

But it's also... not actually relevant to anything in the game? Yes, it is important to the secret ending with Shigure, but structuring your entire game for a payoff in an obscure meta-fictional side ending is a very clever trick but not amazing storytelling. I think perhaps if they'd pushed it further, it could've been more meaningful, but as it is it feels both like the Twist eats up too much of the story and also is completely irrelevant to it.

Aside from that, I didn't really care for the new characters. Ryuki and Tama were entertaining, and I have a soft spot for Kizuna and Shoma, but on the whole it felt like the game puts so much effort into characterising them but it's all quantity and no quality. They just... aren't fun. Mame and Gen I found especially one-note.

All in all, this game is an interesting experiment, and I have to respect it on that level... but experiments are not good storytelling.

With that said, this game feels like it does gradually improve on a few ideas from ZTD (not going to spoil that game but The Twist, as well as anachronic order), so maybe in another 5 years we'll finally get a game that fulfills this experimental promise and is actually good?

this is the most gay and homophobic visual novel I've ever read

I want Ryuki to be in a better game tbh

I have the indescribable urge to take Ryuki and put him somewhere else

Allora, io ho adorato il primo, preso totalmente a caso dopo aver giocato la demo che mi aveva convinto, e nonostante avessi mollato 999, ed è stato un'ottima sorpresa, tanto da farmi riprovare 999 e finalmente apprezzato, cosi come il seguito anche se meno, lasciando da parte Zero Time Dilemma, giocato anche altri di Uchikoshi, quindi attendevo questo molto. Ora, sono quasi al finale e... SONO INCAZZATO COME UNA FAINA, CHE SCRITTURA SCIATTA MIODDIO IN MOLTI PASSAGGI FONDAMENTALI DI TRAMA, UNA ROBA DA VERGOGNARSI, CHE ALCUNE VOLTE MI SONO ALZATO DI SCATTO DALLA SEDIA E COMINCIATO A VAGARE NELLA STANZA BESTEMMIANDO. CAZZOOOOOOOO.
Santo Shu Takumi, dammi tu la forza.

"I know writers who use subtext and they are all cowards".