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emustelude reviewed Cruelty Squad
Consistency is admirable throughout. All the components that make up the game, from the smallest things, such as menus, HUDs, fonts, etc., to the models and textures, are handcrafted with the same unadulterated design language for us to feast our eyes upon.

The satisfying gunplay and interesting reload mechanic are on point, with a tidbit of junk. The stock market mechanic is a clever and fun addition that helps you purchase and try more expensive items without grinding much. With all those items, players can choose from lots of different ways to finish missions. The level design that respects the player's intelligence is a definite highlight here. The soundtracks are undoubtedly suitable for the rest of the game, but the compositions are beyond my comprehension.

The lore is masterfully built upon "what if questions" thrown into the near future with intriguing deductions and foresights. It is certainly worth pondering. It reminded me of a quote from Albert Caraco's Le Bréviaire du Chaos: "When humans finally know that there no longer exists a remedy but in death, they will bless those who kill them, so as not to have to destroy themselves on their own."

I am looking forward to the next attempt by the financially embarrassed Finnish CEO.

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