14 reviews liked by enelabe

draw trains on google maps brilliant idea pinky



my gf and i played it and the game was fine but the s*x afterward was fire

Was absolutely obsessed with finding all the easter eggs. Keeping track of all the little people and the bunnies kept me entertained for hours.

the AI is good enough to feel interesting without feeling cruel. tier 3 boost is still op. Otherwise an adorable racing game that really goes all the way with its theming.



Why did the soundtrack for this game go so fucking hard

all that was left was the time challenge

Pretentious as hell but I believe all games have the right to be pretentious. Really interesting though subtle teological perspective.

One of the best puzzle games I've tried. The game has no rewards for the player other than seeing the puzzles complete, learning their mechanics and exploring the island. It reminds me a lot of the game sudoku; completing a puzzle for the sake of it. Also, it doesn't have any soundtrack as far as I played, so I can put my own music in the background or straight up no music at all. It's relaxing even though the puzzles are NOT easy. It teaches you to be patient and wait for the answers to come, and they may come in the kitchen while eating dinner. It's not a game for people that play games fast, lack patience, or expect a big reward. It's a game for those that find peace, silence and isolated problems to be therapeutic. Worth game for a small demographic of players, interesting for people curious about this title, and boring for the rest.

I can't give it a lower score than the original but I have to admit that, if you've already played that one, the idea of going back for more content to me felt less exciting. In any case, the main essence is present here so the experience is still excellent