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epiglottis commented on CorpsSansOrganes's list If You Liked Playing This, You Should Watch This
Stardew Valley and Jeanne Dielman... i'm nodding

3 days ago

epiglottis completed I am Bread
A fun little experiment in using video game controls to conceptualize other states of being, i.e. bread. Harmless, if flawed (lousy camera, unnecessary frame story filled with comma splices). The $13 price point is dubious until you realize that it's on sale all the time anyway. Seems to attract an undue amount of agita for being "Youtube bait" or whatever but is it truly the game's fault that Youtubers are dumb? You do not have to watch their content. Be the change.

4 days ago

epiglottis earned the N00b badge

4 days ago

7 days ago

epiglottis finished Aconcagua
Ably emulates the experience of watching a mid-budget action blockbuster, which is mostly a compliment short of the nagging feeling that this had very little reason to be a video game. Shuffling between your characters for brief snippets of conversation is fun, especially as you start to get a bead on their personalities, but the extreme linearity and simple puzzles keep this from feeling like an effective example of the medium. A small portion plated very handsomely.

An extra half-star for the inexplicable placement of a pixelated Sliding Doors poster in the middle of a South American military base (original to prove I'm not insane), which surprised and delighted this gay weeb cinephile of a certain age. Eat yer heart out, Kojima.

7 days ago

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