Campy fun with great protagonists. Missions have a good variety and are rarely repetitive. The sandbox was ahead of its time and still holds up today.

A big improvement in the scope of the story and the start of iconic Kratos killing gods. Combat has been slightly nerfed but has increased depth over the first game. Some very annoying parts still remain but at least I can actually complete the game this time.

Super satisfying and tight combat system that gives you the freedom to do lots of cool stuff with great spectacle for a game of this era. However, there are lots of painful sections of the game that are a product of its time such as the spinning blades and the battle before the ending which I found too difficult in hard despite finding the rest of the game's difficulty fine.

Their attempt to recapture the hype of Resident Evil 4 for the sequel to 7 did not fully work. While I do prefer not soiling my pants every second of the game like I did with the previous, the combat simply is too basic and dull compared to Resident Evil 4 and the story also mostly feels more generic. However, the quality of the game is still overall quite good.

An absolutely terrifying game with excellent atmosphere, story and spectacle.

The most fun I have had from a classic Resident Evil game. Not only is the both combat challenging and engaging but I can actually finish this game without being stuck due to ink ribbons or difficulty due to the dynamic difficulty. Leon is such a likeable character and the campiness of the game only adds to the charm. However, protecting Ashley can be quite annoying sometimes.

The story grew a lot on me after playing the sequel. There was clear passion from the creators to make a story driven game with a fantastic narrative at the front. Controls of combat is simple but the depth comes from the game's design and the intelligence of NPCs to accompany excellent narrative with excellent and complementary gameplay.

A big jump in graphics but a step down in scale and immersion. The game felt more like a generic action game with a linear story compared to the almost sandbox vibe of the first Witcher game. The combat has been completely overhauled from the first game but still is not good.

I loved the immersion that came from how much it doubled down on its CRPG mechanics. All objects, NPCs and enemies existed with intuitive properties in the game world which made it feel very alive in a different way than what the later games would try to do. I preferred this type of immersion over the attempts to capture realism which was what CDPR changed their direction to from Witcher 2 onwards. The freedom and complexity of NPC behaviour also made the world feel more believable and fun.

Fantastically balanced with a great skill curve. However, it's lacking in its customisation and monetisation compared to Tekken.

Fun with friends but gets repetitive

In every aspect of the game, San Andreas is ahead of its time and a huge leap from Vice City. Great quality of life improvements including the addition of checkpoints and a much-improved story with characters you love that keep you engaged for its length and mission-to-mission gameplay.

The only reason why I wouldn't rate this higher is because similarly to Vice City the game drags and gets very grindy prior to the final mission.

Despite many improvements from GTA 3, the game still has some very annoying missions. The game also gets very grindy at the end before you can do the final missions so I wish it was shorter.

Very fun multiplayer but it's difficult to keep up with how powerful my mates can get with my class and build.

Did not expect to enjoy it so much. However, the game has some excruciatingly difficult missions especially because of the lack of checkpoints. The story also has surprising turns. it's hard to believe such a game came from this era of gaming.