a game for crazy people. would be 10/10 if the pc port wasn't so bad, the game crashed so many times I had to redo most of the missions. but its not the game's fault, it's the port's fault.

as elvis presley used to say "a little less conversation, a little more action, please".
don't get me wrong, it's a good game but not really my style. fighting being the only gameplay aspect you get, becomes repetitive and exhausting (I'm not including minigames).

SOOOOOOOOOO ICONIC, i kept dying to those mini eletric red cars

I used to play this with my dad, so much fun

it was not what I was expecting... I might come back to the game one day when they improve it


it'll be forever my comfort game

it's unbelievable this is the same company that criated the ultimate masterpiece the elder scrolls V skyrim

o tanto que eu chorei jogando esse não tá escrito

sempre te amei desde o lançamento


perfection, can't wait for the sequel