esse aqui me impressionou, fui atrás de um jogo de cartas e ganhei uma lição de vida. jogo incrível e lindo, pretendo tentar vários caminhos

this was my favorite assassin's creed in terms of exploring, what a blast, what a journey. elysium and atlantis were absolutely mesmerizing. and of course kassandra has all my heart ❤️

it was not what I was expecting... I might come back to the game one day when they improve it

joguei com meu pai, divertido mas bem difícil algumas partes

joguei o período de teste de 8h, jogo muito limitado pra ter ficado 11 anos em desenvolvimento. tinha que ser no mínimo um black flag melhorado e muito mais

as elvis presley used to say "a little less conversation, a little more action, please".
don't get me wrong, it's a good game but not really my style. fighting being the only gameplay aspect you get, becomes repetitive and exhausting (I'm not including minigames).

and azucena and lili lived happily ever after selling teaffee in Peru


alanzoka's voice: cara que jogo bom mano

I had no idea a far cry game could be this bad, I tried for 5 hours but its just horrendous. I won't even bother to say all the things that I disliked because its not worth my time but there are many.

me senti muito inteligente jogando esse, mas nas fases 17, 18 e 19 em algumas partes me senti meio burrinha tbm, é sobre equilíbrio

"pra alcançar a autorrealização, pra abraçar a criatividade por completo, primeiro você tem que estar em paz"

caramba, que jogo incrível

a game for crazy people. would be 10/10 if the pc port wasn't so bad, the game crashed so many times I had to redo most of the missions. but its not the game's fault, it's the port's fault.

no stress just pure fun with bayek, aya, senu and a fucking gorgeous ancient egypt. I can't get over how insanely beautiful the map is!
aya and bayek are so relashionship goals plus both are sick assassins/ocults, it's impossible not to love them. instant favorite for me

alone and closure endings had me crying like a fucking baby, I'm the saddest person in the world right now :(

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é uma boa história, triste e pesada. a alex é uma ótima protagonista.
o capítulo extra da steph é um sonífero de tão chato, mas foi interessante saber que ela era amiga da chloe e da rachel, deu aquele toque de nostalgia.