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December 11, 2023

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its that time of the year when i remember fire emblem exists and i play a new installment so im gonna be real with you binding blade left me with a sour taste in my mouth and i ended up dropping the series marathon for the time being that could actually give you a clue to what i generally think about fe6 without reading my review

since i actually am a madman and actually wanted to explore some more of the gba titles i ended up booting blazing blade and while it could be argued that this is by no means a masterpiece in the series (ive only played a few games so i cant really say much about this) its pretty interesting to see that they managed to fix some of the issues i had with binding blade

in the great scope of things this is a prequel to fe6 it takes place in the same land and stars most of the parents youre gonna see during your time in elibe and a new entry in the whole franchise and also ready to become the favorite girl of a lot of guys in the entire series lyn

i definitely enjoyed the characters in this one way more than the other game since they actually feel more fleshed out with some more understandable motives diving the game setting into 2 completely different campaigns where in the first one youre gonna play as fan favorite lyndis trying to save his grandfather which is actually a general tutorial to the entire game and fire emblem as a whole and the second part of the campaign stars eliwood whos the father of the other fan favorite roy from fe6 and hector whos the father of MY FAVORITE SWEET LITTLE CHILD lilina

this rooster of character is probably one of the strongest ive seen in the entire franchise till now lyn is as determined as she is brave but her story shines the light on a scarred and emotional woman who found in her independence a way to work through life

while i definitely think lyns story is the weakest one of the 2 this doesnt mean it didnt touch some high highs here and even though it just acts as a tutorial for the entire game that doesnt mean its gonna be devoid of any challenge or fun to play through and the idea of dividing the actual game into different parts made both of the stories more digestible since i usually just play one chapter of fire emblem then get stuck and replay it after like 3 months this is the usual praxis

so all in all lyns side of the story is pretty great if you ask me but the real meat of the game is eliwoods part of the story (i have no idea if hector hard mode is actually just the same story beats or an entire new storyline maybe with hectors POV because i havents played it since “hard mode” made me shit my pants as soon as i read it) and this is actually where the game stops handholding you and gets into unknown territory and a real trial to see if you actually learnt some shit from the tutorial

eliwoods tale sees him going in a search for his father but as youre gonna guess in fire emblems usual flair the plotline is gonna escalate into the whole dragon lore and shit like that but im not gonna say anything here because im not the most competent guy to actually talk about fire emblems story and in general the best stuff always comes at the end so youre advised what im gonna say though is that compared to fe6 both lyns side and this one actually have some tighter pacing and characters are usually more fleshed out than its sequels counterparts and eliwood and hector make for an intoxicatingly good pair and also as incredible lords for the entire party eliwood is more on the usual “shonen ish protagonist with a lot of empathy love for his land and people and a pacifist and charismatic leader” or some shit like that but its pretty evident that they gave him a lot more nuance compared to his son maybe also for his age and for how hot he is sorry uwu what REALLY makes it worth is though are his interactions with hector which not so different from him but definitely on the more aggressive and belligerent side of things (hot) hes more of an act first think later type of guy (hot) with some beefy arms and an axe bigger than a tree (hot) and the friendly rivalry they create (or better the homoerotic tension they create) actually steals the spotlight for any other character to actually shine i love these two with all my essence and being while i do agree that eliwood is the bestes boy hector is in the archetype of my fictional boyfriend type so im always gonna take his side and take his mmmmm i cant say this here moving on

this game continues the tradition of the other gba title to actually throw at you countless and countless playable characters so of course some of them are gonna shine above the others and it is no surprise that i fell in love at first sight with ninian and shes definitely one of the highlight of the games beside being an incredibly effective plot point throughout she has a design beaten for the gods and while she doesnt end up fucking XXX i can definitely be his husband i cook i clean i pay the taxes and watch the kids and before you say it no unfortunately i dont like nils i prefer his hot sister teehee sooooooorry yall

if you know me you know i had no other choice but love jaffar and what i was definitely not expecting is the fact that i would end up loving him not only because hes hot but also due to the fact that he has some of the thickest character development in the entire game compared to the other guys in the circus and also his relationship with nino made me absolutely tear my hair off i love those two like my own babies but unfortunately i wanted jaffar all by myself so i need nino to step right off right about NOW

you can also see that the quality of the character design actually made a huge jump because the usual green and red knight actually have some nuance to them in particular im in love with sain who acts as the usual womanizer type of guy and somehow always manage to get zero pussy in the process which makes kent even more endearing because being an asexual virgin completes the duo and makes for a great chemistry (read: theyre gay and have a lot of sex)

some other highlight are florina my sweet little baby with fear of men (shes right to do so) matthew is a conniving bitch and im gonna bet my life he makes for an endearing power bottom marcus is still a bull even in this game rebecca is ,,, CUTE ! i like her i think and raven is a damn good hunk of a man older brother type of character with a lot of meat in his part and i love those overprotective bro figure because i always wanted one im so sorry yall fiora and isadora are my lesbian mothers and i want them to walk me with a leash hawkeye has big tits heath has big hair harken has a big fucking cock no half words i can feel his might through the screen love that guy im free on saturday

so theres that also honorable mention lloyd is probably one of the hottest guy in all fire emblem i was DROOLING dont get me started

as i was saying in general this is probably the tightest narrative in the gba trilogy (havent played sacred stones i dont know if i actually want to rn because im growing tired of these games) and i can see a lot more care being put in the story and character side of things that i unfortunately didnt see when playing fe6 not that its a bad game but i can say that blazing blade pisses in his mouth ong

cant really add anything more in the art direction and music department because its basically the same as fe6 and i already praised it at that time but TLDR the sprite works and animations are probably my favorite in the entire franchise the pixelated artworks and oversaturated art style really add a lot to the general sense of style and makes for an unforgettable view the music is pretty much usual fire emblem fanfares or world themes which are by no means bad but definitely dont reach the highs or tracks found in awakening or echoes (and they dont even have to because this is neither awakening nor echoes)

if i gotta be nitpicking i also think the character portraits have something more compared to the ones in fe6 but i cant go on and hate on binding blade or else fans of the saga will come here and bust my ass open one time and for all

so what else to say if it wasnt clear enough this is my favorite one of the gba bunch till now and probably one of the favorite of some people out there maybe im playing this series wrong because after awakening and echoes everything here sucks because OF COURSE it would but im still pretty curious to see what else this series have to offer at this point i got so many different games to branch off now i dont have a clue what im gonna play next stay tuned so that you can listen to me complaining about fe6 some more and saying how much i want to fuck the characters in this series byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee have fun segues a message just for lloyd hi babe im douching my ass come over at 9 pm i will be waiting xoxo