its that time of the year where im gonna talk about gay porn games once again so im gonna put the usual disclaimer

ALERT THIS IS A GAY PORN GAME ! which means I will be talking about my private time experiences with the material and the licentious content of this game that might hurt your over religious conservative puritan homophobic beliefs or maybe you just dont want to read about what turns me on and I don't fucking care you've been advised

so now youre probably gonna wonder why this fucking game got a 4 stars when it is basically just glorified porn CGs made into a game but when i tell you this is some of the best fapping material ive ever found till today

usually i rate games considering staff like general quality art direction how much i enjoyed it and lemme tell you i did fucking enjoy this one to hell and back

lets address the story at first because this is genuinely the most stupid trope ive ever seen in a while but still the most erotic one too so im not gonna complain about it basically the main character is a (virgin) high schooler who is trying to get to college but he sucks so bad at studying that his parents decide to hire a personal tutor to help him prepare for the exams so at one point this tutor comes home and hes a hunk horny beefy muscular guy with the sex drive of a bull and a lot of innuendos in his arsenal

i guess the general idea is that ryota should study some months trying to study for these entrance exams but it happens that for a series of events atsushi ends up sucking ryotas dick and from that points onward these two will be spending a lot of time doing sex sex sex sex sex sex

while i definitely dont think this is the most incredible story in a porn game its also to be said that i didnt expect to find a new shakespeare in the making i was literally here to beat my junk whenever i felt like it so honestly the overall storybeats were just a good excuse that segues into a sex scene so whatever truth be told this trope of the big beefy coach fucking you is kind of a dream of mine so lets get it the thing is that the coach actually takes it up his ass so thats what happens sometimes in real life

during the backdrop of this incredible incipit theres gonna be a lot of weird fucking in here like doing some outdoor illegal trivelling doing it in the forests of the beach from the top from the bottom side to side literally this guys would fuck in any position and any place whatsoever

the ending is also commendable to make the character arcs come to an end and actually make a sense of everything that happened so far

gotta say that the characters are actually pretty stellar ok actually ryota is just a timid guy that sometimes actually gets into an aggressive domtop that fucks atsushi until his mind goes blank and honestly i wish i was in his place i gotta say BUT atsushi is honestly so fucking charming hes super funny makes a damn good partner to the virginal protagonist and since hes the only voiced character of the 2 it actually brings the hunk even more to life with all its charm and personality

that segues to one of the reason why this game is rated so high the voice acting in this game is honestly the BEST ive ever listened to in all the VAed porn games ive played not only during the porn scenes which was honestly also a reason why this game actually made me cum in like 1 minute and a half but as i said it adds a lot to the character as a whole and i genuinely ended up enjoying atsushi a lot here sure i could not get enough of him gasping for air moaning in my ears and begging for dick but thats another story

its a shame that ryota isnt voice acted because it wouldve actually the interactions and sex scenes 100% better but just the inclusion of atsushi in here made it pretty clear this was gonna be such an incredible experience what the actual fuck

while i definitely think this is honestly the big part of the game and the sexual situations are super hot im still a bit sad that the actual localization is honestly shit it looks like some AI made translations that actually doesnt know how figures of speech works and somehow create some of the funniest scripts ive ever seen in a while honestly i beg of you to actually play this game just for the translation if youre not interested in gay sex its a fucking blast so whatever even though its super unprofessional and clearly didnt have any proof tester its just a weird feeling to be horny and reading these funny ass exchanges like do you want me to masturbate or laugh my ass off be real

all this actually culminates in the finest part of the game which is the art direction i swear to fucking god these CGs are so high quality at some point i was actually wondering how do people even manage to draw something like this like (as someone who draws this is pretty frustrating dont @ me) but as much as i love this art style maybe they couldve actually made those dicks a little smaller like i do understand the charm of big dicks in porn media but that thing is a tree log what the actual fuck UGHHHHH i dont ,,, unhhhhhhh wow

no actually i was rethinking my statement from before theres some honestly some incredibly funny pieces of dialogue please never make a professional script ever i love it like this

so all in all for a game that actually plays like a visual novel (and rightfully so because you actually will need to play this with only one end mind you oh also the UI is pretty janky to what does a man need to actually have an orgams this is so sad) i enjoyed it too damn much and when i say this i mean that my dick really enjoyed this all throughout theres some goofy stuff theres some sexy stuff theres a lot and a lot and a lot of sex and this actually makes for a damn good game maybe this is not the most rightful 4 stars ive ever given to a game but it sure as hell was religiously consumed by me just because of my creampie kink and humiliation kink and a lot more kinks more on that on my BDSM test

i genuinely never came so much for a game i literally would boot the same scenes over and over again until i actually had to make an effort to get to the next scene because THATS how fucking good these scenes are and if youre the target demographic of the game (gay sad and alone) this is definitely a must read and can actually give you a lot of play time if you know what i mean just skip the parts where atsushi stars infodumping a lot of sociocultural stuff nobody needs to see the culture we only need the dirty sex

yet again making a fool of myself on this site as always

Reviewed on Dec 08, 2023


Unfortunately I'm not a bara man so I would have swooshed over this on principle. I do agree hypercocks are a pertinent issue. I think I'd generally rather play a funny porn game than an emotional one, I don't want to be crying when I'm gonna jerk off.

6 months ago

@onlinecharacter yeah I mean if bara and giant cocks are not your thing I can't really say anything else to counter this one the artistic direction is all about those 45 inches cocks but the "emotional" story beats are as emotional as they can get in a porn game they're more on the wholesome side than on the "crying myself to sleep" side so yknow you don't have to cry while jerking off at least
@falcorito yeah if ever a game is made that is essentially "having pleasant dates with your twink boyfriend where no inter-relationship drama happens" that actually has good writing I'll probably sink an evil level of time into it.