It's close to being a great arcade racing game, but there are so many downsides. First, it vomits cars and other rewards at you from the first second, so there is NO sense of progress and obviously no story. Bigger than that though, the user generated content, which had the potential of making the game live forever, is buggy as hell, and it's impossible to find what you want and even harder to play what you want, especially with friends.

Enjoyable 2D puzzler, but ran its course a while before the ending came

Good hockey game, but rougelite stuff is lacking

Good mechanics and an ok attempt at a space story, but overall it ended up being "what resource do I need next", not "what do I want to do next"


Good campain, but suffers the same "builders block" as Minecraft and Satisfactory

Finally a game to scratch the 4x4 Evo exploration itch. Graphics are great, physics are usually great. Just a relaxing off road exploration, delivery, and "get stuck" simulator.

Super relaxing puzzle game with amazing music

The ultimate sandbox game. What more is there to say?

DEMO: Good base, but needs a lot more to buy the full version

Bosses are better than they have any right to be, really in depth game with R&M jokes on top

Played on a 32:9 monitor and most of the UI was cut off. Gameplay was fine, but it made me itchy the whole time, so I had to stop after 3 levels.

Beautiful, good difficulty, great exploration

Eh, it's Madden, on a Game Pass sub that I already pay for. Worth the download for a few games with my favorite team.