October, 2022


Okay, been a while since I've last logged in lol.

I've basically been wasting every second of my free time on this game for the past few weeks. Wanted to see if I could improve this clunky old game with some mods, and it turned out well enough. It's mostly just performance enhancers, but they do a loooot of good for the game – less frequent crashes, better looking game, waaaaay fewer glitches etc.

Created a whole new save file to test these out, and I'm already Level 49, going through Old World Blues for the second time ever. Finished Dead Money by trapping Elijah in the vault this time, which was pretty satisfying. It's absurd just how much money the game gives you after completing that quest; obviously you can't carry all those gold bars laid out on the table, but even taking only the weightless money from inside that vault is enough to make you rich for the rest of the game. I got like 170K caps already and still have a few thousand pre-war dollars to spare. (Granted I also scavenge and resell pretty much everything I see but that's beside the point.)

Got pretty much every implant I could ever want, every perk I found useful... I'm 1 level from the cap and already got almost all my skills up to 100, save for Explosives. Did almost every quest there is in the game save for the remaining Old World Blues and Lonesome Road story missions... Oh yeah, and the main questline. I mean I killed Benny already but only because I wanted to get inside the Fort; somehow I'm Accepted by them, currently. Nevermind the fact that I killed Cpt. Curtis, ruined their relations with the Khans, wiped out Nelson and Cottonwood Cove and the slave camp and the Bitter Springs raiding party and the Techatticup Mine...

So far I'm Idolized by pretty much any other faction that isn't the nearly-extinct Gangers (Merciful Thug for helping out the Vault 19 dudes with their Khan initiation) or the BoS (impossible to get them to like you that much afaik). Oh yeah, and Freeside. I guess I could buy some reputation points from the Wrangler but I don't think you gain anything from it? I don't remember.

Primm Slimm is sheriff, as it should always be. Got kicked out of all casinos already, pretty much in one night. Helped Cachino out with his bosses and made the White Glove Society quit their cannibalism shit while I was at it. I don't know if that was supposed to happen, but Troike was executed by the Omertas as I told him to go rig the termite explosion himself. Found the blackmail note after that happened and honestly felt pretty shitty about it – you're made to think he's an asshole from the info the game hands you about him, but turns out he was just played by the mob and made into their puppet. Oh well.

Killed pretty much all the Fiends as well, but not before selling them some drugs, of course. That Aba Daba Honeymoon quest is ridiculously easy to softlock – I had to teleport Hostetler to me because the Pip-Boy told me to head to fucking Boise Idaho to find him, he was way up north.

For some reason, Ranger Anders wasn't in Vault 3 when I came to check on him after killing everyone. Reporting back to Hsu revealed he had made his way alone to McCarran, apparently, but he still thanked me anyways. At least he didn't die, I suppose.

Finished the Misfits quest by siding with Poindexter for the first time, as I reckoned if I'm going to betray the NCR anyway, I might as well not send the washed out troopers to battle and instead just keep them from dying. After finishing it, however, is when I realized that they'll probably be deployed at the dam anyway since the faked reports are so positive, and I may have inavertedly sentenced them to death by not providing them with the proper training, so... yeah.

While on the topic of Camp Golf, Chief Hanlon is alive and pardoned. After many many playthroughs have I finally understood the motives behind what he does in the game. I honestly found myself agreeing with his plan, partially, which is why I sided with him.

I feel like I mostly helped the NCR throughout the game, but looking back, it was a bit unecessary if they won't even remain in the Mojave after endgame. At least I kept Westside's water flowing in The White Wash and sent them the power supply in That Lucky Old Sun.

All companion quests are done, too, save for Arcade's as I have to upload Yes Man to the 38 before it can trigger... This time Waking Cloud didn't die, luckily, as last playthrough I accidentally saved right as she was being attacked by a cazador iirc. Veronica decided to stay in the Brotherhood for the first time in any of my playthroughs – which, looking back, is probably the best outcome anyway. At least those Followers don't have to die for no reason. Gave Rex Violetta's brain 'cause I just happened to have it on me at the time, but the specific benefits don't even matter anyway since he's basically my least favorite companion.

Sent ED-E to the Followers as always, rushed through Raul's quest just for the sake of finishing it, helped Boone forgive himself for Bitter Springs, advised Lily to just keep doing what she was doing and take her medicine sporadically, and didn't kill the Van Graffs or Crimson Caravan for Cass (though the Freeside crier was still hostile to me, for some reason... RIP). Saved God this time, as well, which honestly made me very glad. I didn't know you could "merge" his two personalities like that and the ending I ended up getting was very bittersweet. The entire ending of Dead Money is honestly very emotional, almost certainly my favorite DLC when it comes down purely to the characters, the scenery and backstory; it can be a pain in the ass to get through, but still. This time it was considerably easier, as I took the Solar Powered perk. It just meant that I had to pretty much skip through the nights by looking around for the surprisingly rare beds in the map and sleeping until 6 AM. Doing that effectively cancels out all the Cloud damage you take for playing in Hardcore mode, which is by far the most annoying part of Dead Money. Caused me to miss out on pretty much all the exploration on my first playthrough, just because I was so uncomfortable being outside and having my HP slowly deteriorate. The lack of stimpaks and the sheer amount of bullets you need to take down the ghost people didn't help, either.

Whole game becomes way too easy if you have a riot shotgun, really. You just gotta get the knockback perk, gather enough ammo and you pretty much won the game, it's too overpowered. Got through the Dead Wind Cavern for the Bleed Me Dry quest in like 3 minutes or so, didn't get hit once. All you need is a high crit multiplier (wearing a 1st Recon beret and Joshua's armor is more than enough to do it) and you're set. The leveled OWB enemies are getting pretty annoying atm, but it's not like a real challenge or anything. Let's see if Lonesome Road is any different; hadn't tried it last playthrough either.

March, 2022


5-3 against Swansea City. They scored with a header 4 minutes in, but I got it to 2-2 by half-time. They got the last goal of the game at 90 minutes.

Miraculously won against Hannover 96. Somehow one of their defenders thought it'd be a good idea to go after a very disproportionate goal kick from me instead of letting it turn into a goal kick for themselves, which led to him fumbling the ball and allowing us a corner, which led to a header goal by some defender of mine named Paparatto. Didn't even know he existed.

After that came two goals by Facundo Sánchez, both from outside the box and right by one of the posts; one was on the first half, the other on the second. Diouf scored one against us in the second half, too, but it's whatever.

Also this guy named Vitti that I subbed in for Sand because he hadn't rested enough is fucking trash. I was able to steal the ball from the keeper's feet and instead of kicking immediately, he let the defender put him down in hopes that it was a penalty. It was, as he didn't even touch the ball, but still what the FUCK.


Beat the Shamrock Rovers 3-0, all by my man Sand. They're bottom three on the board, so it was easy. After that came U.N.A.M. at the 19th spot, but I only won 1-0 as their defence was really annoying to get through.

Sand is the top scorer in the league with 10 goals. Proud of my boy.


Wow it's been a while since I played anything, huh.

I returned to the tournament today, got the hang of the game all over again. Won against Bologna 2-1. Pretty average match, but I didn't notice until it began that our uniforms were way too similar. Didn't make it too difficult to follow, however. I'm getting better at short-distance fouls, I feel.

Lost against São Paulo after that with a 87' corner goal after multiple bullshit post shots. I hit the post like 3 times this game, the first two were consecutive, like first shot hit the post then the other striker on the rebound hit the other one. Lame.

January, 2022


Got back on this game for a while, played some casual servers and came across 5-or-so bots. Pleasant experience. Also got a Huntsman and decided it's the best weapon in the game.
Got better at playing Pyro, too; very rewarding when you finally learn how to airblast rockets back at other people. Still playing mostly Medic and Demo.


I suck at this game, can't do shit without a rifle.

December, 2021


Gotta get the hang of this game still. I set up some pretty shitty control options at the beginning and apparently you can't alter them after you've started the game, so that's great.



Got stuck in the first cave because I didn't know how to move the camera, watched 2 minutes of a tutorial and got to Shady Sands.



Finished the game. Tank missions weren't nearly as annoying as I assumed they'd be, and the last few missions use the sniper rifle a lot, which I enjoy. Cool game.




Played King Crimson, Weezer, Sublime, Stevie Wonder and Duran Duran. Got the hang of it after a while.

Started / Finished

November, 2021


Got all the way to Pavlov's mission, then quit because holy shit playing that on Hardened is a pain in the ass.
Never noticed how much I missed by not knowing English back when I first played this. The German broadcasts in the Russian missions are pretty fucked up.
The truck missions in the British campaign took me a while, as well as the Pegasus Bridge section, but I got through it. You can take pretty much no damage in this difficulty without dying, so it's actually kinda tough at points.



Bought this again for nostalgia's sake.


Trying again and again with Adventure Mode. Literally can't get through the first chapter. Almost sutrvived A Cold Reception, but then winter came and it fucked me up.



Bought it without knowing exactly what to expect. Haven't done anything yet really, just got home and planted the 15 seeds they give you. I'll get back to it soon.



Finally got this game again, the nostalgia was killing me. Spent the whole morning playing it, now I'm kinda sick of it.
Set everything to default, didn't activate the DLC. Set up camp in some wooden fortress with a bunch of bones in it, but I remembered opening the chest would set it all on fire. Did it eventually, and got a fire staff from the rubble. Eventually found two of those "reset" stones, the Pig King, three things and Maxwell's door, but I used the two stones one after the other because of a hound attack around day 21. They were killed, eventually, but it was winter, and I hadn't gotten ready (my koalafant hunt was cancelled after my pig abandoned me).
Decided to go inside the door to win the game and get it over with, but died to a tentacle soon after in a pond filled with what must have been hundreds of spiders. Went back in, and it's The King of Winter. Great. I'll see if I can beat it this time.



Lost 3-1 against Real Madrid today, but they have Ronaldo so it's not like I expected to win lol.


Some results I forgot to write about lol:
2-0 against Istres from France.
3-1 against Red Bull Salzburg from Austria
2-1 against Paços Ferreira from Portugal

At this point, everyone's played 5 games, but U.N.A.M. has 0 points, lost all games. They scored one single goal, and lost 5-0 against São Paulo their last game.
The first Barça v Madrid happened, Barcelona won 1-0. The top goalscorers are my man Sand and Santi Cazorla from Arsenal, my next rival.
Swapped my goalkeepers last game because I felt García was too short. Navarro did okay, so I'm keeping him in. Also swapped Sand for Vitti in attack, that didn't go so well. P.S.: just realized I'm actually the Argentine Tigre, NOT the Mexico team, Tigres UANL. Damn.
Okay, match against Arsenal was my first non-victory, 0-0. Their keeper, Szczęsny, was way too good, but at least I have learned how to properly defend today.
3-3 against Palmeiras. Fuck.
Leveled up my wizard towers and failed 4 spells in a row today. They have a 15% chance to backfire, for context. I don't know what equation you do to calculate 15% odds 4 times in a row but what I do know is that it's bullshit.



I don't know why I reminded myself of this game, but I started it again. I've named myself Lil B and I have like 50 cookie banks at the moment. Pretty neat.



Tried to teach my younger brother how to play. Loaded a save from god knows when and he did the Hung Out to Dry mission where you have to hunt down the laundromat guy who owes Vlad some money. He failed a couple times because the car controls in this game are wonky as fuck, but he got it eventually. We went to the airport a handful of times to try and find a helicopter, but there was none. Also showed him the swingset. It was cool.



Started a league tournament because I was bored. Around 20 teams IIRC, let the game pick randomly then combed through it; Madrid and Barcelona are there, otherwise it's pretty balanced, but
I somehow didn't notice Australia's national team was there until it was too late. Playing as Tigre from Mexico. First match against LA Galaxy went well, got both my strikers injured and LA scored the first goal, but they pulled through and I won 1-4. Second match was against Atalanta from Italy and I accidentally played on Amateur without noticing, so I won 7-0. Set the tournament difficulty to Professional so that won't happen again, but the game still has a habit of reseting my configurations for some reason, so yeah.



Played a bit more on the 13th after that. Somehow found an Enclave soldier earlier in the game, and brought his armor home. Also killed Sam Warrick right after for his armor, it was all at an abandoned house east of Megaton.

Went to D.C. through the stations as quickly as possible, completed the behemoth part of the game quickly and talked to Three Dog. Blew up some ghouls in the tunnels, and tried to barbecue some dogs on my way to the museum, which caused my game to crash.

Eventually reached it, and got the antenna for the radio station. Sneaked through the Mall to reach the monument, then returned to the museum after completing the quest and raising my Science skill to try (and fail) to find the hidden loot from the info terminals. Went to the station in front of the Museum of History after fighting around 5 super mutants; one Brotherhood dude didn't make it. Took the miniguns with me.

Headed straight to Rivet City from the Anacostia station, and killed the three Talon mercs outside. Blew Carlos' head off for some reason, and entered the city. Learned of the synth there, still have to decide who to side with. Stole a bunch of shit, sold some stuff, headed to the Jefferson Memorial, then to the Citadel, then under some bridge nearby to fight a group of raiders.


Actually picked it up again from some months ago; I abandoned the last playthrough right after meeting the Brotherhood and all that, now I'm restarting, doing the first few Moira missions and stuff.

Went to the supermarket and back, disarmed the bomb, went to Arefu to rush that dumb fucking Blood Ties mission (haven't finished yet), and rescued the Big Town people. Still at level 5 I believe, got almost nothing useful, just a shitty hunting rifle and a lot of landmines. Not excited to do the whole storyline again, from what I recall from it.