redditors convincing themselves that Metal Gear As Written by Joss Whedon was actually hidden kino instead of yet another unfun platinum games hack and slash that's carried entirely by its soundtrack that just so happens to star post-character assassination raiden this time is one of the most extreme and simultaneously undeserved reputation shifts i've ever seen for a video game

Reviewed on May 26, 2024


29 days ago


28 days ago

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28 days ago

That’s right!

28 days ago

people see cool stuff = people think its cool
i see jetstream sam = i start to drool 🤤

26 days ago

cooking rights revoked

26 days ago

thank you for the downvote kind stranger

12 days ago

disagreeing only because the music sucks too

12 days ago

ok i don't really like much about this game and its story is kinda dogshit, but i'm a little confused how it's anything like a joss whedon work (i say this as a very ardent firefly hater). if anything it's somebody trying to copy kojima productions' homework and fumbling it (platinum's combat design also deserves most of the ire it receives, even if the compounding amount of contradicting systems in rising ends up being kinda funny)

@Snigglegros ur the realest person on this entire website tho

12 days ago

@theia thank you

4 days ago

as written by joss whedon was more intended as me being as disparaging to the games writing as possible using a style i find vaguely similar rather than an analytical take down of the writing in mgrr

2 days ago

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2 days ago

that wasn't very nice

2 days ago

yeah dude why are you being so mean