I had over 100 hours without mods and i still feel like ive not even scratched the surface.

Games great but feels like it lacks heart compared to other smash bros titles. DLC always ruins the balance of these games

A great game but a mix of a lack of direction and just guardians as a whole lowers down for me.

my only wish is that i could track how many hours ive actually played

This game was literally too fun to put down when i got it, my only issue with it was that it was finished too soon.

Better than Botw in every way. Even the bugs in this game are fun. The only thing that stops this game from being a 10/10 is the lack of direction that the story gives you sometimes, and the fact that the gorron story in this game is just bad but atleast its only about 3 hours long.

This game is good don't get me wrong but people need to stop pretending that this game is gods gift to gaming because it just isn't. It suffers for Rockstar's weird mission design of 'Go all the way over there do a thing, then go alllll the way over to the other side of the map and do a thing' with the excuse of 'but theres a big open world with stuff do to', when once you've seen your third carriage robbery and fifth herd of deer it gets boring and repetitive to travel between locations.

This game is perfect. Literally perfect. If you had to find a fault with it, it's that the game can sometimes be a little unsatisfying if you only have like 30 minutes or less to play in a session.