if this game had better visuals and was ported to the switch i would cry

This game is the best thing if you have absolutely zero obligations and 5 other friends who also dont have any obligations.

so over hated its unreal. This game has some of the best gun play in video games.

Really fun game but i can get why some people don't like this type of game.


This game is magical but just lacks mechanical complexity.

I'll be honest after all the reviews i expected this to be great and it just wasn't.


What a game. Like honestly. This game is just gold dust and i cannot wait for the second one

This game is an experience that everyone that is stuck for something to play should have

this game just feel goods to play, rolling through a door stunning enemies and ripping through them with dual blades is just the best.

maybe i didnt play enough but this game just wasn't fun plane and simple.

This game is great but god there is some parts of this game that are just slow.

When this game was in it's prime it was the best multiplayer experience at the time. It brought people together like no other game could.

Not even close to done yet but this game is super fun and engaging