It looks exactly like I remember it looked in 2008.

Unless the make a big overhaul of the game, is better to stay away for the time being.

Amazing combat, fantastic boss fights, narrative is strong with this one but it drop the ball in terms of performance.

Old school survival horror from the PS1 era but modernized, great level design, atmosphere is brutal and cool of puzzles to solve. The story is intricate.

It's okay if you want a great Resident Evil game pick 2 or 4 before this one.

This game improved on what Endnight Games did with The Forest on many aspects and best of all the game keep getting new updates.

I love CRPG but I can't get immersed into Tyranny's world and I don't know why.

This game ticks all the boxes for me. Waiting for the next big update.

If you love metroidvanias then this game is for you, what are you waiting?

Chill puzzle game to play and finish in 2/3 hours.

This games has a lot of hearth and humor, it's a fun third person action adventure game. You only play as Peter Quill but you can give command to the other Guardians to use special attacks. The OST is fantastic.

You... should.. play... this!! It's amazing!!

The only two things I hate about this game were: Constantly respawning enemies in your face and how much P-3 talks.

I enjoyed the combat system, the game lack on enemy variety. Lu Bu fight was the highpoint of this game.

This game make you feel like you are a badass sorcerer fighting demon, ghost and malevolent entities. I love the setting and the atmosphere.