Amazing game with a couple issues that dampen it.
The fact that you have you make crucial decisions with a time-limit encourages people using a guide rather than thinking about what they want to do themselves. It lead me to accidentally getting the bad ending when I'd been high honour all game, just by clicking one bad dialogue option at the end.

Such a disappointing ending.
I'm really unsure how this game wanted to make me feel.
I also experienced a decent amount of texture bugs, animation glitches and bugs that left me unable to play until they resolved themselves, which to me doesn't make sense on such a low-poly game such as this.

Very good game and probably the best Amnesia since The Dark Descent. The game however is not perfect.

Really interesting twist on the franchises main mechanics, though not all of them.
I really liked that they revamped the usual lighting system of matches to light static light sources as well as an oil lamp you need to manage fuel for (as seen in DD and Rebirth) into an infinite use lamp that you have to noisily charge and that goes out very quickly, as well as a generator that powers the usual lights across the facility and keeps the Stalker away, though drinks petrol very quickly. My only gripe would be that I found the pocket lamp to be slightly predictable and impractical at times, because it didn't seem that I had to be careful of where the monster was, only where I was. This is to say that, there seemed to be certain corridors or stairways where it was always fine to charge the lamp and certain corridors where he would always hear me in the walls. This help contribute to the occasional feeling that there wasn't a Stalker who could be anywhere in the bunker, but one who was always aware of me and just waiting to be provoked, which I don't think is what was attempted.
This is one gripe but it is of several, I think the mechanics in this game are a positive move forward for the series however, following whatever happened in Machine for Pigs and the kind of copy of the first game in Rebirth.

I must say though that the ending was quite a disappointment, which is a shame because all of the previous entries have had incredibly strong endings so far, but I think this was an extension of how well defined all of the protagonists, Daniel, Manus and Tasi, were; they could have very fine ends to their stories that tied back around to some of their defining traits: for Manus, he had to rectify his attempt to control or even stop fate with the Machine telling him what he's going to be causing in that incredibly famous speech, for Tasi we got to see how her want for a child interacted with her want to save her child, and Daniel can be seen taking responsibility as he stops running and forces Alexander to do that same. Or at least, this is what I took from them. Though, I won't spoil the ending for this game.

Overall, a very well put together survival horror that I enjoyed a lot, though I will say too that I only really ever found the first game to be at all scary (and maybe the city sequence in Machine for Pigs somewhat), and that trend isn't broken too much here.

After trying Sotfs and utterly despising it, I'd heard that actually the vanilla game was better, for having less petrified npcs, less ganky enemy locations and a whole host of other things. And yes it is better.
It's still dogshit though: on my sotfs playthrough, I managed to get to the sinner's rise and couldn't kill the boss due to being massively under-levelled, and then couldn't progress any further due not having levelled adaptability (no guide run) and not having enough fragrant branches of yore to literally open up one of the mandatory routes. In this run, I got all the way to the Iron Keep and was making runs on Smelter Demon, it took me about 7 hours to get there due to the fact that life gems break the game's balance and let me first try every boss (and if you say "don't use them then", the game punishes you for using estus only due to how slow they are to use and actually heal you). Once making runs on the Demon I'd had it and finally did myself a favour and quit.
I could list all the minor - and major - complaints I have with this game but my biggest one is just that it's boring: the world is devoid of life, and not in the way that it should be in a Dark Souls game, I was always aware that I was playing the game, unlike in other FromSoftware games where I'm able to get into the world. Every area seemed to consist of one, two if lucky, or three at an absolute max bonfires and were so small that they weren't anything but just different textured pits where enemies could be put; there was no creativity to be found in them, the odd npc but even then they were all foreigners who had no tie to that area of the game. And on top of that, it seems that I'm dissuaded from actually engaging with the lore through item descriptions and so on because this game seems to want to hammer home the whole "did you get it? did you get that nothing lasts for every? nothing lasts forever and you'll go crazy and the world doesn't make sense!" line. What's the point of trying to learn about all the different kingdoms, Mirrah being one, only for you to know that the answer will just be "it doesn't make sense isn't it so cool".
There's nothing of substance to this game, it's built on gimmicks on gimmicks; and the foremost gimmick is the misunderstanding of what Dark Souls, and in a larger way FromSoftware is about: difficulty.

Very good game but the Steam port messed with the controls

I started and finished this DLC after finishing the base game because I was aware of how big it was and it fixed an issue that I had with the base game, being the slightly anticlimactic ending.

I love this game.

Hated it at first so much I stopped playing for a few weeks but came back and I loved it


This game is really good but for some reason there was so many input issues that got me killed.
Games that you are meant to die a lot in should have clean combat so you don't feel that you are at fault, but I ended up being frustrated at the input issues so many times; usually to do with mods, where sometimes it wouldn't activate and sometimes it wouldn't do vanilla firing.