Can't really speak to the multiplayer, but has one of the best FPS campaigns of all time bar none.

The gameplay is fine but the story is dogwater. Wii u version actually had some neat map stuff with the gamepad.

I was massively disappointed by the ending. I'm also annoyed Sega chopped off the post game and is selling it for 20 bucks when the game is already 70 freakin dollars. Otherwise the game is great and there's a ton to do.

overstayed its welcome just a touch for me and the friend I played with. Pretty good puzzler and I like how no one is working with 100% of the information.

Honestly the rules felt overly complicated for its own sake and they were really hard to keep track of sometimes. Like how open the game is and the monsters are great. Great pokemon like that stands out on its own merits, even though its type matchup system is a bit too complex for my liking.

I think the humor leans a bit too heavily on relying on you playing Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion for it to work. games fun but a bit too shallow for me to consider a rouge lite unless you are playing on the hardest available difficulty.

Ive only played this for about 2 hours but I know how i feel about it is not going to change. Basically L4D2 or Vermitide but with bugs instead of zombies/rats. and mining of course. I love the fact that there are varied objectives and the comedic bend will make this game endlessly entertaining for me and my friends to play together. You run out of ammo really fast but it feels like thats part of the intended balancing. ROCK AND STONE!

God this game is utterly fantastic. Reignited my enjoyment of DnD by itself. a masterpiece of CRPGs and the greatest dnd video game to ever exist.

Way more trial and error then the first game, its trial and error bits were really frustrating, felt like it was asking a lot of memorization out of you rather then enjoying the scary experience. Whenever i got stuck it pulled me out of the experience. Otherwise I feel like this is just more of Little Nightmares 1 but feels like a more cohesive whole while being more varied at the same time.

i think with some changes this game could have life as a multiplayer game. Doesn't overstay its welcome with what is here.

dying in one hit is bullshit. fun game otherwise.