my fav dusk game! the atmosphere is just gorgeous. also has my fav story of all the ateliers ive played so far

not much of a game but i lvoe u sm ame

im in love with wilardo and sirius

first 4 cases were just fine but the last case sucks and drags on wayyy too long

when i first started i was in love with the artstyle and i couldnt stop playing, after a while everything got kinda repetitive and i found myself rushing to the finish just so i could know what the fuck was going on. its still pretty cool tho.

the characters and story r so good but i dont care for the actual gameplay at all.
ilysm hong lu and gregor 😢😢

i slept on this game yrs ago but im rlly glad i came back to it, i love the story sm

best gacha ive ever played give it a chance

omg i was obsessed with this as a little kid BRING IT BACK