best gacha ive ever played give it a chance

omg i was obsessed with this as a little kid BRING IT BACK

one of my favorite games of all time, ive played this at least 5 times and ive never gotten tired of it. somehow the themes and emotional parts still hit me and i always discover new things. i recommend playing through at least twice to do the bea/gregg events u missed and trying to find secrets like i did. also u probably wont appreciate it if u dont care about the characters, the “mystery” part is a little underwhelming but to me that isnt what its about.

“And I want it to hurt. Because that means it meant something. It means I am something, at least... pretty amazing to be something, at least…”

my fav dusk game! the atmosphere is just gorgeous. also has my fav story of all the ateliers ive played so far

im in love with wilardo and sirius

first 4 cases were just fine but the last case sucks and drags on wayyy too long

when i first started i was in love with the artstyle and i couldnt stop playing, after a while everything got kinda repetitive and i found myself rushing to the finish just so i could know what the fuck was going on. its still pretty cool tho.

not much of a game but i lvoe u sm ame

the characters and story r so good but i dont care for the actual gameplay at all.
ilysm hong lu and gregor 😢😢