I bought this game after enjoying the demo and it really reminded me that I adore pure fun, chaotic shooters - all killer, no filler (except for the main missions, one of which was actually really scary). You are Doomguy if he was an SCP agent. You are lead and death. Some say it got repetative - sure, the variety of mechanics may start to run thin near the end of the game, but I'll be damned if I didn't love popping a full bar of slow motion and headshotting 10 dudes in a row every single time. I wish more stuff came out like this.

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Okay so frankly I would have given this 5 stars. I adored this game, and am not afraid to admit my biased love for Heather as a character (who I was directly compared to many years ago by a friend), especially how she interacts with Silent Hill in such a familiar way to Harry from the first - she really does feel like his daughter, and her fear turning to anger and then forgiveness as she travels through the fog of her past is so fun to engage with as a player.

By far this was the hardest of the three games for me (I played the three on normal difficulty), and I was stressing bad by the end of the game about health and ammo - compared to 1, which struck a good balance of "dicey but not impossible" and 2, where I ended with a huge surplus of rifle and shotgun ammo, I was absolutely sweating going through the final set of rooms, and finding a healing item gave me such a great feeling of survival horror - really, the tension from gameplay as well as atmosphere pushed me right to the edge.

And then I fought God, an incredibly frustrating boss that seemed to demand I start my playthrough over as I died over and over attempting the most monotonous pattern of "run in, hit, run out - oops, RNG hit! You're dead!" for close to an hour over two sessions of frustration (part of this was starting the fight by unloading the 70 pistol rounds and 6 shotgun shells I had managed to horde until the end). I did not want to restart the game as I've been trying to be less of a perfectionist/completionist about this sort of thing, and also, I was playing with a friend who would be flying back to their home across the country the next day, and to go back into my previous saves far enough to make a prep difference for this boss would be pre-amusement park - this game gets VERY stingy with items in the back third. Were I a child playing this, I probably just would have never finished the game. Fortunately, Youtube exists and showed me how to clip through the boss's attacks and slam the mace down over about 3 minuted, just chopping down a big ol' tree.

Look how much time I've spent talking about that boss. I felt compelled to actually write a review. This is a fantastic game up until the last 5 minutes (not counting reloading the save). So, 4 stars.