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Fujita, your friend you have not talked to since high school, has something important he would like to tell you! Good luck finding where he lives!

After about an hour of meandering around a very liminal town of no cars and no citizens (the ingame explanation is that there is a virus going around so people are staying indoors, but we all know the PS1 couldn’t handle having an entire town to explore and actually have life in it as well), I finally figured out how to read my map. After randomly stumbling upon a weapon shop called “Wild Arms” (???), I buy a pistol then proceed to beat the store owner unconscious with the baton I apparently already had. Poor guy.

Somehow I made my way back to the starting point at my office where I proceeded to the map store nearby. Wherein I asked for directions to my friend Fujita’s (You know, because everyone just knows where some guy named Fujita lives right). I get back into my car and make my way there, finally with purpose!

Upon arrival (bar the occasional stop-gap when my car hits a barrier and can’t move, so I have to get out and find a payphone to call my car back to me, repeat) Fujita shows me some weird machine, of which I already forget the purpose of, then he takes me to his garage... where he has some C4. Now we are going to blow up the power plant, because “things are changing” (oh god, this is starting to sound like I joined some rightwing terrorist plot). Me, being a silent protagonist with no boundaries, decide to go along with said plan without any dispute whatsoever.

We take the bus to the power plant and the guard bars the entrance. There’s some random cop there too and I kill him with my pistol, because why not. The guard doesn’t even notice the dead cop next to him. Fujita says we can enter through the back way. So we do. Once entering the back of the power plant I proceed to get reckt by a doberman guarding the place (but no humans anywhere). I eventually kill him with my pistol and read his dogtag “Ohm, loves going for walks around town.” Poor guy.

4 stars

feels a bit like a precursor to games like deadly premonition, in that weird lynchian open world way. i spent my brief time trying it out going to a random hotel that was fully explorable for whatever reason; you could walk around freely to the bathrooms and hotel rooms. shrug