feels like a fresh take on the rpg formula. i think it's worth checking out as a curiosity, you might even like it.

way better than i ever gave it credit for having not played past an hour and i think most people feel about the same.

i was of the persuasion that this was just an inferior ff5 going in, but i came to realize it's actually a superior ff1. if you liked ff1 i do think this is the closest in the series that harkens back to it in feel.

battles are super fun, and enough gets added to it through out the game so they don't get boring or irritating. some of the qol additions to this version make an already great game pretty amazing. i basically just put ingame speed at 200% and leave battle speed at normal and i have zero complaints.

a lot of people say this game is nothing like chrono cross, but i kinda disagree. cards are actually sort of similar to elements. taking several cards to land several attacks in one turn, etc. i feel like it expands on the chrono cross basis basically. and of course you have the same amazing painted backgrounds and masato kato as key writer, so similar story too, if a bit less... heavy? anyway, if you like chrono cross as a stand alone title and not as a disappointing ct sequel, then you'll likely also enjoy these, so give them a chance. the battle system takes some getting used to, but i loved it way more than expected. characters are solid, the world is really mystical and interesting, etc.

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feels like a game made for and by fans of sanitarium. i also get some of the same esoteric vibes from drowned god. if you like either of those games, i think this might be an easy rec, otherwise play those games first.