"Is taxi driver denpa?" type of essay we will be watching in 2040 or some shit

Yeah I listen to yabujin. How could you tell?

Criterion blu-ray release, when??

Now I am become Pepsi, the destroyer of worlds

Yuyuko sipping on that juicy lean 🌸

Milkcan + Merzbow collab when??

Sorry babe but sexy parodius stays on during sex

These denpa games are literally what zero pussy does to a mf 😂

girls with autism: excited lil hands
boys with autism:

Most INSANE pornochanchada ever

It's like Myst, but ten times more cryptic and absurdist.

As much as i would like to say that playing this is like decrypting an alien artifact (HECK it's an Osamu Sato game), sometimes it feels like it's just trying to be weird for the sake of weird, doesn't help when the "puzzles" are so obtuse.

Still, Osamu Sato + pre-rendered point-and-click 3D aesthetic is a godsend, wish Chu-Teng had got a english release as well

Not a lot of games feels as expansive in it's simplicity as this one, even though it barely reaches 2 mega-bytes of memory.

Like an astronault who sees our planet from the first time in the distance only to realise how small we really are, Noctis captures this desolate, almost kinda self reflection feel, no music, you let yourself be captured by it.

Coupled with the fact that it was a free-ware game built for ms-dos in the 2000's, you imagine how immersive it was for people to experience it back in the day, sharing their experiences and discoveries on the Noctis forums, letting their imaginations run wild, create this sense of community from personal experiences.

Alessandro Ghignola when talking about his other game "Crystal Pixels" kinda summarises what Noctis is all about, as Ghignola called it: “All alone in space and time / There’s nothing here but what here’s mine.”

Um Pistoleiro Chamado Papaco featuring Dante From The Devil May Cry Series