people need to realise that in 2024 Shenmue is more interesting than it is good.

this game is honestly a must play

Lethal Company is a repetitive mindless game in which the only original and fun moments are the interactions with your friends, which are also repetitive and stale. The games world is so empty it feels like a sandbox, the gameplay loop as well is also extremely tedious.

plus the game is made by a furry sooo


i hate this game so much, i have beat it two times and I will beat it again. i hate it.
i hate it
its terrible, its absolutely fucked.
i will continue playing it

I hate shadow tower with every inch of my body.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe: The perfect port?

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe was released on the 28th of April 2017 on Nintendo's hybrid handheld console. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is a remaster of the Wii U title "Mario Kart 8" from 2014. While Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is a fantastic game I'm not sure if the game deserves its "Deluxe" title, here's why.

This is not me saying that Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is a by all means "bad" game, no this game is absolutely incredible and is up there with some of the all-time great racing games like Burnout 3: Takedown and Gran Turismo 5. It's just that Mario Kart 8 Deluxe doesn't have enough new inclusions to warrant its $60 ( Australian $89.99 ) price tag.

One of the few minor new inclusions in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is the double-item box feature which was included in Mario Kart Double Dash!! ( yes the games title includes 2 exclamation marks ) but unlike Double Dash Mario Kart 8 Deluxe doesn't need you to control 2 characters to use both item box slots, a minor problem I have with this though is that unlike in Mario Kart Double Dash, you can't choose what item box you want to use.

Nintendo's strategy during the Nintendo Switch generation appears to have been influenced by the Wii U's underwhelming performance. To rectify the Wii U's underappreciated game library, Nintendo made a conscious effort basically reuse these titles on the Nintendo Switch.
This can be seen as a positive or a negative but that's a conversation for another day.

Really that's my main problem with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. It is called Deluxe which implies it is a wildly improved version which it just isn't. It runs as well as the Wii U version, It looks about as good as the Wii U version and it controls exactly like the Wii U version. It could be seen as a perfect port but it isn't marketed as a port.

Mario Kart 8 improves on every single Mario Kart title before it but unlike Mario Kart 7 for example, which did improve on every Mario Kart before it Mario Kart 8 Deluxe can't really be improved on. It's the essential Mario Kart, it takes all the best elements of the Mario Kart franchise and puts them together into one fantastic game.

A good "inclusion" to Deluxe is the E Shop DLC which gives the player double the maps of the original, it includes some absolutely incredible maps like coconut map. I don't include this as an inclusion to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe since you do have to purchase the DLC after purchasing the game but if you do have Mario Kart 8 Deluxe the DLC is a must-have.

In conclusion Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is as close to perfect as a racing game can get, my only problem with the game is its lack of inclusions in the port but that doesn't have anything to do with the fundamentals of the game. Mario Kart 8 is just great and an essential purchase for all fans of racing games and Nintendo games in general.

Thank you for reading my nitpicky and poorly written review!

this game is just the modern-day Silent Hill HD Collection

This game fails at everything a remaster fundamentally should be.

sigma adin ross i show speed ohio gyatt rizzler fanum tax kai cenat sigma w

I played animal crossing for the first time on a rainy, windy day on a small crt on the original GameCube while listening to jazz.

that memory alone makes this game great

theres no other way to describe this game than just do not play it, its shit, its terrible, its a failure in basic game design. whatever way you want to phrase it this game is just pure ass.


( replayed it, its quite good looking back on it )

Perfect Dark is seen as one of if not the greatest first person shooter of all time along with titles such as Goldeneye 007 and Halo: Combat Evolved due to how revolutionary the game is perceived to be, while I respect Perfect Dark in no sense is it a perfect or even great game.

First off the shooting element of this game is much more refined than Goldeneye, mainly due to its hit detection being much more accurate then Goldeneye, but there isn't as wide a range of weapons that are viable in this game as their as in Goldeneye.

Secondly, the campaign in this game is not as good as Goldeneye. The mission's objectives at times are cryptic and strange and the ai can be really shitty sometimes. The whole system of being able to get different objectives due to your difficulty is quite interesting but in practice it's just annoying since most of the time you do not know what you are doing since you are just finding objectives for higher difficulty players.

Not to say that Perfect Dark is bad its just severely dated, for its time this game was amazing but in 2023 its just tedious.


nrr nrr vroom speedy legend nrr nrr