( replayed it, its quite good looking back on it )

Perfect Dark is seen as one of if not the greatest first person shooter of all time along with titles such as Goldeneye 007 and Halo: Combat Evolved due to how revolutionary the game is perceived to be, while I respect Perfect Dark in no sense is it a perfect or even great game.

First off the shooting element of this game is much more refined than Goldeneye, mainly due to its hit detection being much more accurate then Goldeneye, but there isn't as wide a range of weapons that are viable in this game as their as in Goldeneye.

Secondly, the campaign in this game is not as good as Goldeneye. The mission's objectives at times are cryptic and strange and the ai can be really shitty sometimes. The whole system of being able to get different objectives due to your difficulty is quite interesting but in practice it's just annoying since most of the time you do not know what you are doing since you are just finding objectives for higher difficulty players.

Not to say that Perfect Dark is bad its just severely dated, for its time this game was amazing but in 2023 its just tedious.


nrr nrr vroom speedy legend nrr nrr

O say can you see by the dawn's early light
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming
Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight
O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there
O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave

Max Payne 2 broke on me before I could finish it but from what I played it's a great game but not as stellar as the original.

While I can appreciate heavy rains ambition and its influence, the game is simply quite bad. The game doesn't look very good and has very little style, the story has a lot of promise but falls flat due to bad writing and terrible but funny voice acting. The gameplay is also just shit, the controls are clunky and all your actions are very repetitive.

Heavy rain deserves respect for being so ambitious and for inspiring this entire genre of video games but the game is quite simply just not fun.

I remember renting this game after watching an entire 40-hour let's play of this on youtube when I was about 7, I got about 3 hours in then I just remember getting really pissed off and ripping the game out of my Wii. I pulled way too hard and the side of the disc got stuck on the Wii and somehow ripped an eighth of the disc off. I returned the game to my local rental store and the worker saw the damage and made my mom pay 45$ for repair fees. At least I enjoyed it for the first couple of hours.

In conclusion, Fuck pokepark 2

Wii sports is such a difficult game to rate because wii sports is basically just a tech demo released by Nintendo to showcase the Wiis remote.

But I've spent so many hours in friends living rooms screaming and running around playing Bowling, Golf and Tennis. This game is the perfect family game, even my grandma who needed help to setup her facebook account has a Wii setup on some old shitty crt in the garage.

The whole wii franchise quite simply is just fun minigames with simple premises and even more simple controls and wii sports is the essential version of this. Its fun and has a high replay factor, quite simply its a must play for anyone who enjoys having fun.

people who like war thunder are degenerates and war criminals.

The Uncharted series has always seemed as close to a movie as a game can get, the uncharted games have always felt at their strongest when they were as big as they possibly could get with massive setpieces like the opening of Uncharted 2 when you are hanging from a train in the snow which is about to fall off a cliff. It gives me that same feeling that a film like 1992's Hardboiled gives me, it's just plain awesome it's pure action adventure bliss.

The worst bit about uncharted 2 and the uncharted series as a whole is its shooting mechanic, its just simply not very responsive or satisfying. All the guns as well don't have much of a difference to each other, with it being more useful to just stick to one gun the entire game than switching around like you would in a series like Halo or Half-Life.

Overall Uncharted 2 is a love letter to action films of the past with its expansive Indiana Jones like story and massive blockbuster setpieces, its a must have for fans of action adventure games and must have for PlayStation diehards.

Halo Combat Evolved's campaign feels very dated compared to later games in the Halo franchise but fundamentally the game is extremely solid. This is one of the only Halo games where the flood seems genuinely creepy, the introduction of the flood in 343 Guilty Spark really makes the flood seem menacing. I also believe this game has the best Halo multiplayer, I've spent so many hours just sitting on couches playing CE. While the magnum is overpowered, everyone uses it so it really comes down to pure skill, and unlike some may say other guns are still helpful in certain situations. The maps in CE are also amazing, it's the only Halo game where every map is memorable and different. I might just enjoy this game's multiplayer because I really enjoy arena shooters, even though combat evolved's maps are more open-ended than games like Quake 3. In conclusion, I've spent thousands of hours playing this game and I plan to spend thousands more.