I’d honestly say the only thing this game has going for it is the multiplayer because otherwise I do not care for this version of Mario 64, I do not like the controls no matter if it’s on a DS or a 3DS and honestly if the port itself was outstanding I could suffer through the controls but none of the new content justifies playing this version, the multiple characters is a cool idea but I don’t care for how it’s executed here, even with the cap system. The game looks how you’d expect for a DS launch title so I don’t fault it for that I’m honestly a sucker for the low poly DS look but even still I wish this port was done a generation later on the 3ds to take advantage of that systems improved power and circle pad. A wonderful idea for a remake on the wrong hardware.

the game title was wrong i remembered the land

Love this game. Amazing combat system, incredible story with one of the best cast of characters I’ve seen in a while, and just a phenomenal soundtrack.

That was supposed to be a game? That was just a lawyer and a prosecutor flirting with each other for 60 hours!

My personal favorite Pokémon game, everything about it is just so tight. Fast paced battles, the best story in the franchise, and a region that’s extremely fun to explore. The amazing soundtrack helps too, I’d recommend this not even as a good Pokémon game but just a great RPG.

PHENOMENAL rpg, and the DS version is the best way to experience it. This game was so ahead of its time with its story, gameplay, and even the graphics I feel are more than you’d expect from a Super Nintendo game. I cannot recommend it enough.

Good for what it is, a short but replayable gameboy game. It looks nice for the hardware and is comfortable to get through.

First and foremost I would only recommend playing this on a new 3ds for the “””second stick””” but honestly this is a totally valid version of the game. Obviously it doesn’t control as well as the original but between the New 3ds nub and the gyro controls I managed to get by well enough. Graphically it looks really nice, and everything from the original game is here and accounted for plus a handful of new features like being able to refight portrait ghosts and the improved hidden mansion. If you like the original I’d honestly recommend at least trying this, it surprised me how much I liked it.

Huge breath of fresh air for the franchise, I love online battles as much as the next guy but I would appreciate them continuing to focus on the core single player experience like they did here, this is the best Pokémon campaign in years. Just doing anything even if its not for a specific goal is a lot of fun.

I’ve had this game for years but only around when the DLC was announced I gave it a proper shot, the track variety is amazing and majorly of those tracks are super fun. I could of gone for a better character roster but even still, amazing game.