5 Reviews liked by frogger

The movement is very good but I have some issues with the execution. The lack of a simple letter grade is an odd omission since the point goal of each level is very high and I never found myself quite reaching it. It would have been nice to receive some reward for my effort even if I didn't get what would qualify as an "S".

The game also feels somewhat at odds with itself. It's at its best when you can keep your combo going for a while but the levels don't seem designed to allow you to do that very well with platforms you have to wait for and the like. I assume you could speed past all of this if you were skilled enough but for me it was kind of annoying. Still, a pretty fun and charming experience.

coining the term "xenoblade syndrome" for when people think something is the peak of the medium because they haven't engaged with the medium all that much

Some kid kept calling me gay online