I really liked this game. Maybe it was because I came off a very intense game to this wholesome, happy platformer, but it really worked for me. With only getting to choose one level per chapter, there is a decent amount of replay value here; I ended up playing it twice all the way through. Furthermore, once I understood the scoring mechanic and how to time fruit pickups instead of just eating everything immediately, the levels really opened up and the gameplay loop was quite fun. Besides, this game just makes you feel good inside.

I have a love/hate relationship with this game. The movement is incredible and very freeing. It really excels at what it sets out to do and there are times when the game really works. However, some of the levels were just so frustrating. There were times I would spend nearly an hour on just one or two levels, which really killed the pace. I am really impressed with this game, but also find it just too much sometimes.

Played this with the family when visiting home. It was so fun to get everyone back together again around this classic.

Played this with my daughter to introduce her to a childhood favorite. Perfect level of difficulty and charm for younger players.