Not a good game, but I have fond memories of it nevertheless. The various minigames entertained me more than they should have as a kid

I remember playing this game with my friends and brother. The slow-paced gameplay was so different from anything else we were playing at the time that it stood out as a unique experience. We were so excited whenever we'd sight an animal, nevermind actually get one!

A better-known claymation game than claymates. Fair enough, the characters and animation were amazing at the time. Just not that into fighting games. But this one I enjoyed as far as they go

A fun platformer with cartoony levels and visuals that stirred my nostalgia for the original

Another genesis gem that I loved as a kid but no one else ever talks about. I still love claymation to this day

Like Clayfighters, another generic fighting game that was elevated by awesome characters and visuals. The blood and violence was exciting to a young me

I still remember getting this and staying up late into the night to beat it. A very fond gaming memory. They get rarer and rarer as the years go by


An all-time indie classic, and deservedly so. One of my all-time favorite puzzle platforms, essentially birthing my love for the genre. Doesn't get five stars because the story was too abstract / pretentious for me... and just not very good

Really fun, need to play it again

One of the first games to really get me into indie gaming. Still one of the best stories and soundtracks to this day, and the gameplay was heckin fun as well. One of my all-time favorites

I know people shit on the gameplay, but I honestly enjoyed it, and the story absolutely blew me away at the time, especially the ending. A special gaming memory for me. Songbird rocks

One of my favorite games on the genesis that no one else remembers. It was so cartoony and fun. I still remember the pool distinctly to this day

Still one of my best horror experience to this day