how fucked up will my hands be if i played naoto when i have a history of being a digital artist and an ex-osu standard gamer

i used to play this on the family computer that wall located in between the wall and the refrigerator...good times

bruh what the fuck is this

should be catogorized as a horror game

extremely fun the one time i went to my friends house to play it

my cousins had a problem with this game

fun to play with the homies c:

dropped it bc im a weeny who cant play atmospheric games

fun for a long time, got bored once i felt like i hit a wall...i had all the money all the clothes i wanted u kno

i have so much love for this game. i love these slimes so fockin much

dropped because college got in the way

dropped because of the easter event, maybe ill pick it up when my joycon drift is no more

i miss going to smash tourneys :( i wanna be a corrin main again 3

one of my favorite games ever actually.