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15 days ago

gbjakey finished Pseudoregalia
pseudoregalia is a blast to play. the movement techniques are some of the most freeing, expressive, satisfying moves in any 3d platformer ive played. every new tool you get expands your moveset in such fun and exciting ways, and makes you re-evaluate all of the rooms you have been in. this game has the MOST satisfying wall jump i have ever experienced in any game ever, and thats not hyperbole. that alongside the kick slide jump are definitely my favorite moves. i could run around messing around with the movement alone for hours which i think is a sign of an excellent platformer.

the vibe of this game feels like an awesome mix of the n64’s two best games, with the super atmospheric and cool ocarina of time dungeons and also mario 64’s incredible parkour and movement. while it might not reach the highz of both games, it melds the two to create its own unique identity that i really love and does reach its own high points.

the spaces all feel from a distant past, both with the hazey fog and low res textures, but also the atmospheric & groovy music and super evocative landscapes and enemies. even though there’s not much to dig into story wise, all of these spaces call upon your imagination in a really beautiful way.

if i had to bring a couple critiques, while i like the individual rooms as fun puzzles and obstacle courses, i feel like the map design itself is a little confusing and not very well telegraphed. im sure if i played more i would get to grips with it better but i had a hard time knowing how to get from place to place. i also wish there were maybe a few more bosses, there are only a couple and i found both of them quite fun! i just feel like there’s potential for even more rad stuff.

that being said though overall i really loved my time with this game and i can see myself coming back to try and learn some crazy speedrun techs or just to explore the wonderful game world presented here and use all my cool moves. great game, i definitely recommend it!

15 days ago

gbjakey earned the Replay '14 badge

16 days ago

17 days ago

gbjakey is now playing Immortality

17 days ago

gbjakey followed ajfillari

18 days ago

18 days ago

gbjakey finished Gone Home
what a wonderfully atmospheric, fully realized portrait of a home. completely lived in, complete with clutter, moving boxes, homework & work assignments scattered about, and incomplete home projects. such an excellent use of an interactive 3D environment to tell such an engaging and heart touching story of a hurting family trying their best to hold on to each other. wonderful music and voice acting, with so many fun secrets and moments.
a truly beautiful experience!

19 days ago

gbjakey earned the Pinged badge

19 days ago

gbjakey earned the Busy Day badge

20 days ago

gbjakey played Gone Home
what a wonderfully atmospheric, fully realized portrait of a home. completely lived in, complete with clutter, moving boxes, homework & work assignments scattered about, and incomplete home projects. such an excellent use of an interactive 3D environment to tell such an engaging and heart touching story of a hurting family trying their best to hold on to each other. wonderful music and voice acting, with so many fun secrets and moments.
a truly beautiful experience!

20 days ago

gbjakey earned the Elite Gamer badge

20 days ago

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