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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

April 21, 2023

First played

March 21, 2023

Platforms Played


i don't even have a joke review or anything to say this was just one of the greatest games i've ever had the pleasure of experiencing. builds off of everything FC established to the utmost perfection on essentially every level. i think the last time i can remember enjoying a jrpg this much was first playing persona 3 all the way back in 2016

joshua and estelle were already incredible in FC, especially in that final chapter and cliffhanger. but in this game? the two of them have become some my favorite characters in anything i've ever experienced, joshua especially. every element of their journey, of joshua's self-hatred and weakness disguised with harsh intimidation, estelle's warmth reaching to him no matter the darkness that shrouds him, that infests him. learning to love one another and complete one another, walking to the very end hand in hand even as they face the literal end of their lives and the world they know. just beautiful beyond words. their main scene in chapter 6 is arguably the strongest scene in the entire game

the characters of agate, kloe, and loewe also very much stood out to me as highlights. chapter 5 was one of the high points of the entire game, and a large part of that was because of how masterfully done agate's arc was executed. a powerful representation of guilt masqueraded as strength, and how that slowly consumed him. kloe, of everyone in the cast, feels the most like a genuine person. like i think of everyone in the cast, her issues and her personality make her feel the most like a real human being you could meet

and loewe is just, tragedy in human form. a story as bitter and sorrowful as the past which created him. realizing his mistake and his foolishness when it became too late to truly walk back his path. i won't lie, seeing the way his story concluded (especially in regards to joshua) genuinely almost broke me. there was only one way it could go, but witnessing it happen felt like a knife being shoved through my ribcage

i'm VERY excited to start 3rd and am looking forward to it massively, but honestly, i really wonder if or how it can beat this. honestly, i wonder if any of the later kiseki games (even the typically described "peak" ones like azure and CS3/4) will match up with this. incredible in every single way, a true and utter masterpiece on each and every level